The heart of architecture by Giles Miller Studio

New installation at Saint John's Gate during CDW 2013

by eleonora usseglio prinsi
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CLERKENWELL DESIGN WEEK _ CDW 2013 begins tomorrow with a a new installation by Giles Miller Studio in collaboration with metal fabricators Tecan. ‘The Heart of Architecture’ will be situated at the Saint John's Gate, showing the capacity of the British studio to use the technique of manipulating light and shadow.

We talked with them to discover the secret behind their last work.

How was the idea of The heart of architecture born?

London’s Clerkenwell boasts the highest number of architects per square mile in Europe. The ‘Heart of Architecture’ was created through the studio's desire to represent this thriving area, stamping Clerkenwell and its inhabitants on the world stage. By using Giles Miller’s signature technique of manipulating light and shadow we aim for the installation to be a celebration of its historic yet creatively progressive surroundings. 

How did you select the material for the installation?

We wanted to create a 'pixel' unique to the installation that would reflect and bounce light. It was a natural progression to team up with British precision metal fabricators Tecan, whom we regularly work with, to create the stainless steel and brass 'pixels' we will be systematically laying by hand.

 What does Clerkenwell design week represent in the London design panorama?

Clerkenwell Design Week is a relatively new event, but is quickly becoming one of the foremost in the British design calendar.  As a studio we are keen advocates of the occasion, given its location amongst the largest concentration of Architects in the world per square mile.   It makes sense to bring design to them, and Clerkenwell does that very successfully with its ever-expanding array of shows, events and installations.
