Nouvel, Lovegrove, Bevilacqua new interpretations of the light

Objective, Florensis and Empatia new entries in Artemide family

by eleonora usseglio prinsi
0 Love 2016 Visits

MILAN DESIGN WEEK_ It was my first day of iSaloni and my first interviews with masters of design like Jean Nouvel, Ross Lovegrove and Carlotta de Bevilacqua, guests at ARTEMIDE showroom. Design a light represents the closer connection with architecture to create a space.


Jean Nouvel interprets the role of the light by taking his cue from cinema, “The lamp shows the technology of an epoch, we need a lamp that has to respond to many needs at the same time, many aptitudes through a simple object” explained Jean Nouvel Objective for me is precision, multifunction, multi focus and multi intensity”.


This concept is translated into a lamp broken down into four parts, each with its own movements and functions: a base, a glass segment, a first head, a second head. The character of the object recalls the lens of a still or movie camera and its manipulation, with the three different segments housing three different light sources: ambient light coming from the glass segment, a spotlight focused, from the first head, onto the reading matter or work surface, a light pointing upwards from the floodlight in the second head.

“It's just an extrusion, there is no big invention, it's just a nice object, made of 100% recyclable aluminum, very organic” Ross Lovegrove carries on his long relationship with Artemide, by translating the requirements of the LED technology into Florensis, a floral shape that diffuses indirect light and interacts with air to promote heat dissipation.

Carlotta de Bevilacqua has analyzed the relation between craft work and technologies, through the close collaboration with master glass blowers: “You can read the light in his physical manifestation and is demonstrated as two important pieces of knowledge: technology inthe form of LED lights and deep electronics, and craftsmanship like glass-blowing” explains the designer.

You mustn't miss the icon the photographer Elliott Erwitt, this year called by Artemide to curate the graphics of the new advertising campaign. “The instant captured by photography is very similar to the moment when light breaks through the clouds” explains Erwitt.



