Milano Design Week Call

Expose your vision at Park Associati

by Filippo Pagliani
1 Love 1527 Visits

Park Associati are launching the first edition of their call for applications for young designers, making available the exhibition area within their Milan office to those wishing to propose their work to the international public of the upcoming Milan Design Week, which will take place from 9th to 14th April 2019. 

Designers who have not yet turned 30 by December 31, 2019 may take part in the call.

To take part in the call for applications, the following digital documentation must be sent:

1. CV;
2. portfolio including a selection of the candidate’s works (no more than 6 pages, in pdf format optimized for video viewing);
3. description of the project which is the object of the call, together with a preliminary proposal of installation (no more than 2 pages, in pdf format optimized for video viewing).

The documentation, in either Italian or English, must be sent to the email address [email protected] no later than 12 p.m. of Friday 21st December 2018.

Park Associati is offering the selected designer:
- A total expense reimbursement of € 2,000;
- Hospitality from 6th to 15th April, during the preparation stage and for the Milan Design Week;
- The exhibition space at the office’ premises, located in the Ventura Projects district, one of the most important ones of the Fuorisalone circuit;
- An opening for the presentation of the project, open to the public;
- The communication of the event through Park Associati’s digital and social channels and printed promotional material, and the inclusion in the Salone del Mobile official guide of side events.

Applications will be assessed by a jury that will meet in January 2019 and will comprise:
- Virginio Briatore: writer and design theorist
- Alexia Caccavella: interior designer at Park Associati
- Philippe Nigro: designer
- Filippo Pagliani: architect and partner at Park Associati
- Michele Rossi: architect and partner at Park Associati.

The selected project will be announced on 31st January 2019.

The designer will be in charge for the mounting and dismantling of the exhibition.
The intellectual property of all the projects presented remains totally in the hands of the designer. Park Associati reserve the right to publish the winner’s project on all its communication channels.

The material available to candidates can be downloaded directly from the call section on Park Associati’s site:

Any questions can be emailed to the address [email protected] until 30th November 2018.
The answers will be published regularly on


    • Filippo Pagliani

      Filippo Pagliani


      Milan / Italy

      Nasce a Milano nel 1968 dove si laurea in architettura presso il Politecnico nel 1992. Negli anni successivi e fino al 1996 lavora nello studio di Renzo Piano a Parigi. Tornato a Milano, collabora fino al 1999 con lo studio di Michele De Lucchi dove conosce Michele Rossi. Insieme fondano nel 2000 Park Associati. Lo studio sperimenta negli anni ambiti progettuali e scale costruttive differenti, rinunciando ad una linea stilistica unica per ricercare continuamente suggestioni compositive date dal )
