At the venerable age of 82, Lord Norman Foster is one of the most active and productive archistars both in his job and his social media channels!
From his Instagram profile, counting 116k followers, we discover a personality with a strong social and cultural role, but also an authentic and funny character almost speaking through his images.
From his Instagram account we can discover the devotion for his projects, the relationship with his team, the organisation and supervision of exhibitions, the interviews, some excerpts of his private life, his passion for modelling or the walks on the beach.
No doubt his profile is worth following!
From the Fosun Foundation in Shanghai to the latest Apple Michigan Avenue in Chicago and the Bloomberg’s new European headquarters, in time his activity seems to go faster and be more creative.
Siete un dirigente aziendale, un investitore privato, o meglio una persona avente bisogno di finanziamento rapido tenuto conto di una situazione. Voi che siete alla ricerca di prestito di denaro. Ecco un'opportunità di prendere in prestito denaro in linea in 48 ora vi offro un prestito di 10.000€ a 500.000€ fino a 20.000.000, 00€ con un tasso di 2%. Ecco il mio e-mail: maurocallipo94 (@) gmail. com