Kengo Kuma and associates won the first prize competition "Susa International train station" in Turin

by Valentina Ieva
1 Love 2078 Visits

Kengo Kuma and associates won the first prize competition "Susa International train station" in Turin (Italy) commissioned by Lyon Turin Ferroviaire SAS.

In this project, the station is like an extension of its surrounding spaces. The building rises from the ground as an exterior spiraled promenade that achieves all-around vista of the valley, a panoramic balcony where locals, tourist and transit travelers can equally enjoy the landscape.

The new station will be built to the east of Susa, in the area currently occupied by the interport, where the new high speed line and the historical Turin-Susa railway meet. For this reason the station will be developed over two different levels.

The aim of the project is avoid the new station becoming a stranger within the valley. The shape of the building is bent as an origami, creating a design that recalls the surrounding mountains and not prioritizing any of its facades. The station has the intention to tie and merge with the surrounding alpine environment.

The skin of the building has been designed thinking in the shape of the local stone, called "lose", used to cover the roof of the mountain houses.

The architectural project also includes car parks, bus stations and taxi ranks, drop off areas, a multi-modal exchange area and a cultural centre.

    • Valentina Ieva

      Valentina Ieva


      Bari / Italy

      Laureata in Ingegneria edile-architettura, giornalista per professione, web writer per diletto. Amante di architettura, design, fotografia e libri di carta. Dipendente dai social, Instagram e InstaStories su tutti. Affamata di vita, viaggi e storie da scoprire. Qualunque forma d'arte mi affascina da sempre e non posso pensare una vita senza: emozioni forti, immaginazione, buona musica, cucina pugliese, sole e gatti. Per dirla con le parole di Battiato, non potrei vivere senza: ‘un soffio al)

    Susa International train station 61

    Susa International train station

    Turin / Italy / 2012