Art Rotterdam & Art Rotterdam Projections

From Thursday 7 - Sunday 10 February 2013 at the Wilhelminapier

by Valentina Ieva
3 Love 1306 Visits

From Thursday 7 - Sunday 10 February 2013 the Wilhelminapier in Rotterdam is the stage of the international art scene. Over the past years Art Rotterdam, founded in 2000, has developed into an internationally renowned platform for contemporary art. The fair, that will present more than ninety well-known as well as upcoming galleries from home and abroad, shows the latest developments within contemporary art.

Pieterjan Ginckels - Human Disco Bong, courtesy: De Expeditie

This edition Art Rotterdam expands with a fair for video art and film: Art Rotterdam Projections. In Las Palmas, directly opposite the Cruise Terminal, twenty international galleries present a video or a film by a talented young or more well-known artist. The 2013 edition further includes, like last year, the New Art Section; fifteen exciting solo exhibitions by young artists that are put on the stage by the newest generation of galleries. 

Hans Op de Beeck - Parade, courtesy: Ron Mandos

Première at Art Rotterdam Projections

Hans Op de Beeck shows his latest work ‘Parade’ at Art Rotterdam Projections, the first video fair in the Netherlands. A large tableau vivant, a subtle slow motion. The music starts, spotlights are on, the red velvet curtain unfolds: at the stage of a theater hall a lengthy and colorful procession of people, passers-by, walk in an imaginary street. A tragicomic parade about life and death.

Meiro Koizumi: Defect in Vision, 2011, courtesy: Annet Gelink Gallery

Focused artist: Pieterjan Ginckels with Human Disco Bong

At Art Rotterdam Human Disco Bong by Pieterjan Ginckels is on show at the central staircase. Human Disco Bong is an installation of hundred twenty bicycle helmets with tens of thousands of mirror pieces sticked on and made to one large organic object. Ginckels, a young Belgian artist, creates, with a sense of humor as well as seriousness, an intelligent oeuvre that plays with the elements of its time: internet, spam, electronic music, fixed gear bikes and slow coffee. ‘Families’ of works, as he calls it; multi layered- installations with strong interactive aspects that function as a generator for metaphors in sound and image. At set times Human Disco Bong comes alive. When wearing the helmets, individual tracks of artists, gallery holders and visitors are highlighted.

Kamen Stoyanov, Macburger eating Lenin, 2008, courtesy: Ogms

'Verwoest Huis Bloemhof' by Marjan Teeuwen

Visual artist Marjan Teeuwen (1953) creates ‘destroyed houses’, architectural installations in buildings that later are demolished. Teeuwen realized the installation ‘Verwoest Huis Bloemhof’ in Rotterdam in five empty 4-room houses from Woonstad Rotterdam, on the Putsebocht. For a single photo or film, Teeuwen breaks, demolishes, saws and rebuilds for months on end until a whole new architectural installation is created. During Art Rotterdam ‘Verwoest Huis Bloemhof’ can be visited free of charge. Every 30 minutes a complimentary shuttle bus is available between Art Rotterdam, RAW Art Fair and Verwoest Huis Bloemhof (Putsebocht 58-60, Rotterdam). The documented final result is for sale at Art Rotterdam, at the booth of Galerie RAM.

Cover image: Marjan Teeuwen - Verwoest Huis Bloemhof, courtesy: RAM


    • Valentina Ieva

      Valentina Ieva


      Bari / Italy

      Laureata in Ingegneria edile-architettura, giornalista per professione, web writer per diletto. Amante di architettura, design, fotografia e libri di carta. Dipendente dai social, Instagram e InstaStories su tutti. Affamata di vita, viaggi e storie da scoprire. Qualunque forma d'arte mi affascina da sempre e non posso pensare una vita senza: emozioni forti, immaginazione, buona musica, cucina pugliese, sole e gatti. Per dirla con le parole di Battiato, non potrei vivere senza: ‘un soffio al)