“Duets/Duels. Draughts matches on drawing”

“Four handed” works with A. Siza, A. Anselmi, C. Aymonino, M. Beccu...

by Vincenzo D'Alba
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Impromptu matches between artists and architects from different generations who share a passion for drawing have been held for five years by A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna. Each match provides a drawing that comes from the two-player contest on the same sheet. Duets/Duels.Draughts matches on drawing” this is the title of the distinctly innovative project established in 2008 from an idea of Francesco Moschini and Francesco Maggiore.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Alvaro Siza

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Franco Purini, Antonio Ortiz

In each duet you can see the authors' attempt to communicate through images from their own cultural or formal repertories and in many cases it represents a language of recognizable signs.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Carlo Aymonino

The initiative, which has so far generated a corpus of twenty precious and unpublished works, envisages a series of matches between emerging architects, painters and sculptors and those of international renown.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Guido Canella and Luciano Semerani

The aim is to induct to a reflection, almost anachronistic, on the extemporary construction of the forms and on their beauty born in design.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Paolo Portoghesi

After the first duet, between Vincenzo D'Alba and Alvaro Siza, more duels have been performed in which D’Alba duels with Alessandro Anselmi, Carlo Aymonino, Michele Beccu, Guido Canella, Alberto Cecchetto, Stefano Cordeschi, Alfonso Femia, mauro galantino, Michele De Lucchi, Nicola Di Battista, Aimaro Isola, Antonio Ortiz, Paolo Portoghesi, Franco Purini, Filippo Raimondo, Renato Rizzi, Luciano Semerani, Beniamino Servino, Álvaro Siza Vieira, Ettore Sordini.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Ettore Sordini

About Vincenzo D'Alba

(Lecce, 1979) Architect. He graduated cum laude at the Faculty of Architecture “Valle Giulia” of Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” in Rome with a thesis on Architectural History and Architectural design entitled “Il Palazzo delle Biblioteche: teoria, storia e progetto. Ipotesi per il Campus universitario di Bari” (it is published by Mario Adda, Bari 2009). His supervisors were  Prof. Arch. Francesco Moschini and Prof. Arch. Franco Purini.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Alessandro Anselmi

Currently he is a collaborator of Prof. Arch. Francesco Moschini for the teaching of Architectural History and Contemporary Art History at the Politecnico di Bari.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Aimaro Oreglia D’Isola

In 2007 he coordinated the T.E.S.I. project (European Interuniversity Experimental Thesis) with Prof. Francesco Moschini and Eng. Francesco Maggiore.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Michele De Lucchi

He collaborates with Francesco Moschini's Foundation, with Gianfranco Dioguardi's Foundation, and with A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna, which invited him to participate in the project Duets/Duels.Draughts matches on drawing”.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Stefano Cordeschi

While developing this project, he carried out “four handed” works with A. Anselmi, C. Aymonino, M. Beccu, G. Canella, A. Ceccheto, S. Cordeschi, A. Femia 5+1AA, M. Galantino, M. De Lucchi, N. Di Battista, A. Oreglia d’Isola, A. Ortiz, P. Portoghesi, F. Purini, F. Raimondo, R. Rizzi,  L. Semerani, B. Servino, A. Siza, E. Sordini.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Beniamino Servino

He won the Premio Giovani Architetti 2009 promoted by Accademia Nazionale di San Luca. The same year he participated in the exhibition “Architettura incisa” organised by Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Antonio Annicchiarico

He collaborated in seminars, lessons, cinema events and exhibitions.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Mauro Galantino

His works are in the collection of Maxxi, the National Academy of San Luca, the National Institute for Graphics, the AAM Architecture Modern Art.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Nicola Di Battista

He works as architect and designer. He is the author of reports and articles dedicated mainly to art, photography, and he is editor of "Quaderni di Varia Cultura" promoted by Dioguardi's founation with Eng. Francesco Maggiore.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Alberto Cecchetto

He also made pictures and illustrations for books, newspapers and posters.

 Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Alfonso Femia (5+1AA)

A rich repertoire which has allowed A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna to establish a series dedicated exclusively to “Duets/Duels.Draughts matches on drawing” within its collection of drawings.

Photo: Vincenzo D'Alba with Renato Rizzi

Watch the duets on A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna

Courtesy: Collezione Francesco Moschini e Gabriel Vaduva A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna

Photo Credits: Francesco Maggiore

Cover image: Vincenzo D'Alba with Michele Beccu e Filippo Raimondo (ABDR)

    • Vincenzo D'Alba

      Vincenzo D'Alba


      Rome / Italy

      Architect, designer, artist. He graduated cum laude at the Faculty of Architecture “Valle Giulia” of Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” in Rome with a thesis on Architectural History and Architectural design entitled “Il Palazzo delle Biblioteche: teoria, storia e progetto. Ipotesi per il Campus universitario di Bari” (it is published by Mario Adda, Bari 2009). His supervisors were Prof. Arch. Francesco Moschini and Prof. Arch. Franco Purini. Currently he is a collaborator of Prof. Arch. Francesco Moschini for the teaching of Architectural History and Contemporary Art History at the Politecnico di Bari. In 2007 he coordinated the T.E.S.I. project (European Interuniversity Experimental Thesis) with Prof. Francesco Moschini and Eng. Francesco Maggiore. He collaborates with Francesco Moschini's Foundation, with Gianfranco Dioguardi's Foundation, and with A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna, which invited him to participate in the project “Duetti / Partite a scacchi sul disegno”. While developing this project, he carried out “four handed” works with A. Anselmi, C. Aymonino, M. Beccu, G. Canella, A. Ceccheto, S. Cordeschi, A. Femia 5+1AA, M. Galantino, M. De Lucchi, N. Di Battista, A. Oreglia d’Isola, A. Ortiz, P. Portoghesi, F. Purini, F. Raimondo, R. Rizzi, L. Semerani, B. Servino, A. Siza, E. Sordini. He won the Premio Giovani Architetti 2009 promoted by Accademia Nazionale di San Luca. The same year he participated in the exhibition “Architettura incisa” organised by Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica. He collaborated in seminars, lessons, cinema events and exhibitions. His works are in the collection of Maxxi, the National Academy of San Luca, the National Institute for Graphics, the AAM Architecture Modern Art. He works as architect and designer. He is the author of reports and articles dedicated mainly to art, photography, and he is editor of "Quaderni di Varia Cultura" promoted by Dioguardi's founation. He also made pictures and illustrations for books, newspapers and posters.)
