Floating Lights” is an interactive installation designed for La Fête des Lumières 2012 in Lyon by Travesía de Luz.
Light, citizen participation, soft surfaces, the effects and the ability to create messages all together. These ideas have led us to design an installation composed of simple items such as floaters.
We want to convey our concept of light as a game within urban spaces and make available to the public of all ages a basic system of lights and colours.
This large project has two giant low resolution screens of 10x3m. Each screen consists of 100 colored light tubes with a switch in the central part.
We propose visitors to touch our lights and have fun powering on and off each float and be carried away by their creativity and ingenuity writing messages, words, pictures or just enjoy the experience.
MATERIALS - 200 floaties - 200 switches - 200 low consume led systems - 2 wooden black walls