ILOOXS: the stunning innovation of Photovoltaic

How will the architectural world change in the next years?

by Valentina Ieva
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ILOOXS Technologies is a patented project born in 2013 in Turin.


The technology consist of a photochemical industrial process that enables the recreation of any image, texture or colours that transform by means of a “camouflage” effect the photovoltaic panel in any custom surface with an easy integration and installing method even if there are architectural, historical and landscape limitations.


Photovoltaic panels are invisible and have zero impact not only on the environment but also on the design.


The ILOOXS Technologies team is formed by: Fabrizio Chiara, the unconventional communication consultant, Giancarlo Casellato, Engineer, ex Chief Electrical/Electronic Systems and Architectures department of Fiat Research Center, Andrea Demonte, consultant and former manager to FCA, and 2 advisors Simona Santoro Yacht and Luxury sales manager e Daniele Pes, Chief Open Innovation and Digital Transformation of “Altromercato”, Board Member in a no-profit association to support Italian Startup Idea”InnoVits” and an external consultant, Alexander Indorato, VP Sales Europe at Sayduck Ltd.


We’ve asked Fabrizio Chiara more details about ILOOXS.


How will the ILOOXS technology change  the world of architecture and interior design?

FC: Today the photovoltaic technology does not allow to produce different products, because colors and materials are limited. The ILOOXS industrial process permits to recreate any graphic, image or texture on solar panel, with a seamless integration in the background where applied. Apart the roofs (which are maybe one of the less complicated cases to build), we can upholster the vertical surfaces as a "second skin", without altering the architecture and visual impact. More photovoltaic surfaces, is equal to more positive returns in terms of reducing CO2 emissions and economic impact for users.


About interior design, we are already working on outdoor furnishings, and the interesting thing is that the same objects, also used in domestic situations, can work the same way. The aspect that it has in the development of solar solutions for interior, is to know carefully the sites of use. Very bright spaces with big glass surfaces illuminated by natural light, give the possibility to use products designed to be powered by sunlight, energy stored during the day and used when you need.

You’ve mentioned energy efficiency: How did you manage to combine high performance and product customization with ILOOXS?

FC: Our first need was to solve a problem for our fashion product. The ILOOXS patent born to reduce the aesthetic problem of solar panels. After two stops from the famous Italian fashion brands for our solar accessory, Giancarlo and me (Fabrizio) have been working hard for 12 months trying many different tests and solutions. Creativity, unconventional thinking mixed to knowledge and technology process has developed our solution. After this first phase, for other 6 months with Andrea's support, we have improved the performance of the solar panel and we’ve started the registration of the patent.

We believe that the customization of a product was always the most important aspect because our clients, are differents and with unique details. For this reason we worked too long time on these two points. A product without good performance and not adaptable to different requirements is not saleable. In the first 9 months our efficiency was near to 3/4% of the photovoltaic panel. Bad result. After more tests and when we’ve changed the method and technology, we’ve reached a 50% efficiency and only in this time we had a new vision for ILOOXS...the rest of the time we’ve worked to improve the efficiency and the aesthetic aspect.


Now we have a solution with a great aesthetic result and an 80% (minimum) of the efficiency in any condition. So, we're very enthusiastic of our solution and will continue to improve quality and performance with more investments in terms of time and money. An Italian say tells: "The sun kisses beautiful things", and we continue with our hashtag: #KissedByTheSun.

    • Valentina Ieva

      Valentina Ieva


      Bari / Italy

      Laureata in Ingegneria edile-architettura, giornalista per professione, web writer per diletto. Amante di architettura, design, fotografia e libri di carta. Dipendente dai social, Instagram e InstaStories su tutti. Affamata di vita, viaggi e storie da scoprire. Qualunque forma d'arte mi affascina da sempre e non posso pensare una vita senza: emozioni forti, immaginazione, buona musica, cucina pugliese, sole e gatti. Per dirla con le parole di Battiato, non potrei vivere senza: ‘un soffio al)
