How to Design a Functional and Empowering Office Space

Creating a Practical and Purposeful Space for your Employees

by Lewis Humphries
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Whether you have outgrown your office space or simply want to relocate and target a more affluent market, you will need to consider two things. The first is your choice of destination, as you look to select a viable and affordable office space within a desired region.


Secondly, you will need to consider the layout and design of your office space, both in terms of economy and empowering your individual employees. Both of these exercises can be challenging, particularly when also trying to manage the daily demands of business management.




Bringing your Vision to Life: How to Design your Ideal Office Space



With this in mind, here are three crucial considerations when attempting to create a functional and empowering office space: -


Bring the Outside in






These trends have now merged, however, with a growing number of offices introducing exterior design influences such as plant life and living feature walls. We have also seen the integration of features such as exposed, concrete flooring and natural floral patterns, which create a warmer and less corporate environment that is thought to increase employee morale.


Similarly, the introduction of plants and living organisms can also help to increase productivity through a greatly improved level of air flow and quality.


Create Multi-purpose Workspaces



If you were a fan of pop-culture in the 1980's, you will know that traditional offices included cubicles and segregated workspaces. These have gradually disappeared over the course of the last two decades, however, while even their modern replacements have undergone considerable evolution in recent times.




This is thought to help empower a collaborative spirit within any organisation, removing the communication barriers that can so often undermine a business.


Introduce Various Design Material and Textures to your Office Space


For most businesses, particularly those that design and sell products, it is important to design a creative space that empowers bold and boundless thinking. There are many ways to achieve this, but one of the most cost-effective is to introduced variable design materials that introduce diverse textures, colours and moods.


Certain scientific studies reaffirm that this can have huge benefits in the workplace, particularly when promoting wellness and productivity. More specifically, its unique combination of colour and texture actively challenges boundaries and encourages creative thinking, while also establishing a personalized workspace where individuality can thrive.


Hopefully, these steps will enable you to create a unique and empowering workspace that suits your needs. While you may be restricted in part by your budget or the terms of a specific lease, there are always impermanent and non-structural changes that you can make to achieve design goals.

  • Clayton Thomas

    I always appreciate buildings or living spaces that allow light and living inside (since we spend much of our lives inside offices).
