Brasília is home to some of the world’s most remarkable buildings, it is known for its unique urban planning by Lúcio Costa and modernist architecture that comes along with it by Oscar Niemeyer.
The visionary city is full of sweeping curves and unique forms bound together by long expanses of parks and fountain-filled pools. Bruno Candiotto‘s photo series, Brasília, captures the sublime nature of the city’s architecture, accurately portraying the capital as a place that inspires greatness, admiration, and imagination.
"The federal capital of Brazil has sparked something absolutely unusual in me; - Bruno Candiotto said - I felt "connected", optimistic, and patriotic. It filled me with hope and desire "to live this country" and for the country – exactly as it was 'designed' to do right from the beginning.
Obviously, the reality of the city nowadays is far from the main plan and its utopian objectives but what surprised me was the way it has "connected" me to the Brazilian history and its different kind of artistic manifestations.
"The Brazilian diversity led me to reflect on the result of the Brazilian plurality as well as the elements that unite it. In my opinion, due to the amazing experience i had, Brasilia seemed a city "without identity", but it also seemed a city that connects different Brazilians artistic identities like no other".
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just perfect. lucky him that the sky was cloudy and grey.