The #architecture hashtag currently shows up 32.593.167 times on Instagram, and numbers are quickly growing, just like the numbers of #archilovers hashtag, that counts today 3.179.423!
Instagram is the perfect way to instantly capture and share the architectural forms and details that surround us. More architecture firms all around the world now run their own Instagram accounts, using their images as means for building buzz, real interest, discussion, or even debate.
Whether certain architects are still stuck with Instagram for merely self-promotional purposes – by posting selfies, all performed works, snatched awards, and very little else – some others have come to understand its potential and thus run their own accounts personally.
If you have not already done so, or if you're new to Instagram, here is Archilovers' list of 10 architects you need to follow on Instagram now.
Did we forget anyone? Tell us in the comments section below!