A rich life through minimalism: Muji Huts by Jasper Morrison, Konstantin Grcic, and Naoto Fukasawa

by Valentina Ieva
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Did you know that a steadily increasing number of people are living life at their own pace by personally renovating a place that takes their fancy from among the 7 million old, unoccupied houses in Japan?

Three designers (Jasper MorrisonKonstantin Grcic and Naoto Fukasawa), working on the international stage, come together to produce a small prefab home that reflects this lifestyle, guided by the theme of "a rich life through minimalism".

Muji Huts just debuted at Design Touch 2015, a Tokyo Design Week event located in the city's Midtown Garden.

The tiny houses offer different takes on a peaceful escape from the urban hustle and bustle. 

The architects have chosen different materials (cork, aluminum, wood), size, and livability, but they definitely have the stylishly austere "Muji look" down.

To find out more: https://www.muji.com/jp/mujihut/


Images via Muji Huts facebook page https://www.facebook.com/mujihut/

    • Valentina Ieva

      Valentina Ieva


      Bari / Italy

      Laureata in Ingegneria edile-architettura, giornalista per professione, web writer per diletto. Amante di architettura, design, fotografia e libri di carta. Dipendente dai social, Instagram e InstaStories su tutti. Affamata di vita, viaggi e storie da scoprire. Qualunque forma d'arte mi affascina da sempre e non posso pensare una vita senza: emozioni forti, immaginazione, buona musica, cucina pugliese, sole e gatti. Per dirla con le parole di Battiato, non potrei vivere senza: ‘un soffio al)
