#iGtalk - Tweeting about Light

The full tweet-interview made by lGuzzini with Michele Molè - Nemesi

by Michele Molè
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iGuzzini Illuminazione:
Hi Michele, great to have you with us today. Can you introduce yourself to our followers? [#iGtalk with Michele Molè @NEMESIarch]

Nemesi Michele Molè:
@iGuzzini, #iGtalk I'm Michele Molè, born in Rome in 1964, architect, teacher... I founded Nemesi in 1997 and still in love with Architecture


What kind of #light do your clients look for in your projects? [#iGtalk with Michele Molè @NEMESIarch]

@iGuzzini #iGtalks The #light in our projects determines the experience of space, makes sense of the complex relationships between forms


iGuzzini ‏@iGuzzini 21 h21 ore fa
Michele, could you summarize your speech @PLDC2015? [#iGtalk with Michele Molè @NEMESIarch]

@iGuzzini @PLDC2015 #iGtalk I presented our approach on the theme of light developed in many competitions during the last years...


How can #architecture and #daylight interact to stimulate our senses? [#iGtalk with Michele Molè @NEMESIarch]

@iGuzzini #iGtalks Our architecture establishes an osmotic relationship with the environment and #daylight... Italy Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015

Thanks Michele. What’s the importance of shadows and the balance of darkness and light in your work? [#iGtalk with @NEMESIarch]

@iGuzzini #iGtalk Shadows define surface and volumes: when the light source changes, the architecture too...

How important is lighting to your designs? [#iGtalk with Michele Molè @NEMESIarch]

@iGuzzini #iGtalk Our architecture is full of nuances and the complexity of space needs a deeper study of #lights


What’s your favorite architectural project in the world? [#iGtalk with Michele Molè @NEMESIarch]

@iGuzzini #iGtalk from the geometry of a swarm of insects in the sky to the trace of the roots that make their way into the sidewalk... 1/2

@iGuzzini #iGtalk #impossiblequestion from the harmony of San Lorenzo church by Brunelleschi to the epic space of "la Pietà" by Michelangelo 2/2

@NEMESIarch we don't love easy questions! ;-)

@iGuzzini we don't love easy answers! For this reason we mentioned "la Pietà" as an architecture... it is not?

Talking about #lighting & #architecture, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind if we say #Rome? #iGtalk w/ Michele Molè @NEMESIarch

@iGuzzini #iGtalk Light and architecture in #Rome, so powerful, so perfect: The School of Athens by Raffaello

It's been a real pleasure to host Michele Molè's #iGtalk today! See you in Rome @PLDC2015! @NEMESIarch

Thanks to @iGuzzini and to all followers! See you soon in Rome @PLDC2015! #iGtalk


Follow @iGuzzini and @NEMESIarch on twitter



    • Michele Molè

      Michele Molè


      Rome / Italy

      Michele Molè (Rome, 1964) founded Nemesi in 1997, of which he is also the Creative Director. Since 2008, he has been at the helm of "Nemesi&Partners", an integrated architecture company that supports the design tasks of Nemesi, created in partnership with Susanna Tradati. He graduated in Architecture at "La Sapienza" University of Rome in 1993. In 1999, he achieved a PhD in "Theory of Contemporary Architecture" with the thesis "Il progetto della differenza: il significato nel progetto contem)

    Italy Pavilion - Human Technopole Foundation 368

    Italy Pavilion - Human Technopole Foundation

    Milan / Italy / 2019