Roman Horoshilov

Designer Oblast' di Charkiv / Ukraine

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Roman Horoshilov
«The best solution is obvious, but you need to have enough knowledge and skills to make it to so».
Roman Horoshilov is a Kharkiv-based architect and furniture designer. He works in sphere of designing of buildings, interiors and objects. The ideas of Mies van der Rohe, Jean Nouvel and Robin Day are close to Roman, he admires brave innovative spirit of vanguard schools.
Does not use materials of animal origin in the design. He is fond of studying the heritage of the Constructivists and music battles in grime style.
Roman Horoshilov
Roman Horoshilov

«The best solution is obvious, but you need to have enough knowledge and skills to make it to so». Roman Horoshilov is a Kharkiv-based architect and furniture designer. He works in sphere of designing of buildings, interiors and objects. The ideas of Mies van der Rohe, Jean Nouvel and Robin Day are close to Roman, he admires brave innovative spirit of vanguard schools. Does not use materials of animal origin in the design. He is fond of studying the heritage of the Constructivists and music battles in grime style.