Dynamic Muqarnas
Dynamic Fields | Responsive Architecture Bucharest / Romania / 2013
[Course] Dynamic Fields | Responsive Architecture
[Web] '>http://www.dynamicfields.ro'> title] Dynamic Muqarnas
[Objective] Right balance by using geometrical forms in a dynamic field
[Function] Abstract | Pavilion
[Materials] Extruded Polystiren
[Technology] Rhinoceros + Grasshopper + Low tech fabrication + Laser cutting (at the digital fabrication office: Concept Jupiter)
[Team] Andrei Dragan, Cristiana Pista, Madalina Oprica, Lavinia Vutescu, Catalina Plaino
Inspired by the reminiscent of the stalactites and the muqarnas, the Dynamic Muqarnas project is reconstructing and rethinking the traditional elements and materials into a flexible and performing structure. Muqarnas display radial symmetry based upon N-gonal symmetry. The number of unique tiles possible is derived from N = N/2 - 1. Larger N values result in thinner muquarnas tiles. There are an unlimited number of muqarnas tile sets given the wide variety of tile profile design possibilities.
Performing in a dynamic field with a variable air velocity the structure is responding in an controlled manner and movement by inserting some specific geometric components. By understanding the air flow and the materials, the joints are de- signed to have a certain bending angle and rigidity. The components are assambled together forming a more complex geometry with a more dynamic response to the environment.
All the elements and components are moving and limiting one another having as a dome like structure which performs as a dynamic muqarna, allowing the user to be part of it, changing the air flow and as a result the structure movement.
Project powered by INATECH and Concept Jupiter
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[Course] Dynamic Fields | Responsive Architecture [Web] '>http://www.dynamicfields.ro'> title] Dynamic Muqarnas [Objective] Right balance by using geometrical forms in a dynamic field [Function] Abstract | Pavilion [Materials] Extruded Polystiren [Technology] Rhinoceros + Grasshopper + Low tech fabrication + Laser cutting (at the digital fabrication office: Concept Jupiter) [Team] Andrei Dragan, Cristiana Pista, Madalina Oprica, Lavinia Vutescu, Catalina Plaino [DESCRIPTION] Inspired by the...
- Year 2013
- Work started in 2013
- Work finished in 2013
- Status Research/Thesis