vertical garden | Gianluca Discalzi

new vision of the loft

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Vertical Garden is a project focused on Cairo’s requalification starting from the roofs. Using the common practice of increasing the high of the buildings adding a new floor, the main goal of the project is to create a new space and at the same time to improve the quality of the existing building. The lackness of green areas and the necessity to find sustainable solutions for the refreshment become the renovation guide lines. The vertical garden, hold by a new structure, the cage, brings new terrace and outdoor area for the existing building: an outer space with natural shadow which contributes to the refreshment of the interior and becomes a private vertical farm. Over the existing building grows the loft. The interior space is bright and full of natural light. The big windows open to the vertical garden and the Fakro roof windows let the light enter everywhere. Even the interior partitions, with the upper part made by glass, contribute to light up the space during every hour of the day. The interior plan is flexible to be adapted to the different conditions of the existing building: the space is dividend in two parts, an open space living room on one side and two bedrooms on the other one, by a central service area (the kitchen elements look to the living room and bathroom looks to the room area).
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    Vertical Garden is a project focused on Cairo’s requalification starting from the roofs. Using the common practice of increasing the high of the buildings adding a new floor, the main goal of the project is to create a new space and at the same time to improve the quality of the existing building. The lackness of green areas and the necessity to find sustainable solutions for the refreshment become the renovation guide lines. The vertical garden, hold by a new structure, the cage, brings new...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Lofts/Penthouses
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