Casa Turini | LDA.iMdA architetti associati
Residenza Unifamiliare Pontedera / Italy / 2007
Description of the project’s purpose and its impact on the environment.
The false morality of conservation in the Italian countryside has prevented creative growth and expression.
The Turini project would like to make a modest contribution to overcoming the idea of “environmental mummification” by provoking a dialogue between the building and it’s sense of place.
The project is the synthesis of a morphological analysis of the territorial features and the desire to create an organism that fits logically into these surroundings.
The wooden roofing material, the principal feature of the construction, reiterates the sloping nature of the surrounding terrain.
The interior living space of the building communes with the olive groves and nearby woodland in an effort to amalgamate the building with the landscape.
The north facing sleeping quarters to the contrary are characterized by their internalization marking a clear delineation with the exterior space.
The landscaping has been adapted to fit the existing topography.
The design is distinguished by a central walkway which gives accessibility and divides and defines, the interior spaces from the external spaces, these, are intended to bring to mind memories of the traditional “aia” or courtyard.
Internally the walkway distinguishes between the “ day- public” rooms ( kitchen,dining-room, livingrooms) and the “ night-private” areas ( bedrooms and bathrooms).
The presence of this walkway is highlighted by the existence of a series of linear skylights that fill the space with natural light from above.
The garage space, located below ground and accessible by a ramp also serves to accentuate the design element of the central walkway.
This “promenade d’architecture” aims to create a marriage between the rolling landscape, through the dematerialisation of the wall space in the living area and a total closure from the exterior in the sleeping areas.
The challenge of sustainability takes two parallel paths, the research of energy saving technical solutions and the use of renewable resources.
As regards the first point, emphasis was placed on giving the building an integrated technological system through the careful study of plan/ section/ site placement.
Attention was given to the analysis of convectional flows, for example, the use of the skylights, not only to illuminate but also to draw cooling air during summer and retain warmth in winter.
The courtyard was realized for its capacity to produce fresh air that can be circulated;
The roof structure creates a “bries-soleil” effect on the large south-west facing glass walls thus rendering them capable of functioning more effectively during all seasons.
Finally the aircushion between the ceiling and the sloping roof, which can be ventilated or not serves to cool or heat the interior.
Particular attention was also given to the placement of the various rooms, locating the bedrooms in such a way as to prevent them from becoming overheated during warmer periods and cooling with the use of airflows created by the skylights, avoiding excessive air currents.
The roof’s shape is designed for hide the photovoltaic panels behind the tall border beams and to rethink the tipical tuscany barn roof. Use of solar power for photovoltaic energy production and solar heating were included in the design but not, as yet, realised but one of the large flues is already built in to allow the pass of the next cableform.
Logica del progetto ed inserimento ambientale
Il progetto di ristrutturazione edilizia è la sintesi tra l’analisi morfologica del territorio circostante e la volontà di creare un organismo che si inserisca compiutamente nel contesto paesaggistico.
La copertura in legno lamellare, sottolinea l’andamento del terreno degradante. Gli spazi di vita dell’edificio si relazionano con l’oliveto ed il bosco antistante, cercando nella diluizione del costruito una dissolvenza col paesaggio.
La spazio notte esposto a nord è invece caratterizzato da una netta chiusura verso l’esterno, evidenziando un segno di margine netto con il territorio.
Disposizione interna rapporto interno esterno
Lo sviluppo planimetrico è caratterizzato dalla presenza di un percorso che cadenza, sia lo spazio esterno, sia la dislocazione degli spazi interni.
Questa presenza, fortemente rimarcata in copertura dai lucernari lineari che privilegiano il rapporto dei locali interni con la luce naturale discendente; mira ad avere un pieno connubio con il paesaggio a valle, grazie alla totale smaterializzazione delle pareti sull’oliveto degli spazi “giorno” e alla completa chiusura dello spazio “notte”.
ECO-COMPATIBILITA’ dell’intervento
La ricerca ha avuto due obiettivi, individuazione di soluzioni tecnologiche atte a ridurre il fabbisogno energetico e l’impiego di risorse rinnovabili.
Per il primo aspetto, l’attenzione si è rivolta ad assicurare all’edificio un sistema tecnologico integrato che passi attraverso lo studio incrociato pianta/sezione/esposizione.
In particolare si è analizzato i moti convettivi, così che il lucernario non è soltanto elemento illuminante ma anche camino aspirante in estate e serra “interna” in inverno; l’effetto bries-soleil del pronunciato aggetto della copertura le grandi aperture vetrate a Sud-Ovest non sono pareti disperdenti ma come elemento composto e mobile atto ad adattarsi ai quattro casi di soleggiamento.
Per ridurre l’impatto della collocazione in copertura dei pannelli solari, è stato costruito un sistema di bordature laterali che consentono l’incasso degli elementi tecnologici.
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Description of the project’s purpose and its impact on the environment. The false morality of conservation in the Italian countryside has prevented creative growth and expression. The Turini project would like to make a modest contribution to overcoming the idea of “environmental mummification” by provoking a dialogue between the building and it’s sense of place. The project is the synthesis of a morphological analysis of the territorial features and the desire to create an organism that fits...
- Year 2007
- Work started in 2004
- Work finished in 2007
- Client Privato
- Contractor Ricca snc
- Status Completed works
- Type Single-family residence