Amazing flow | akihisa hirata architecture office

Milan / Italy / 2013

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By viewing design from the perspective of “flow” rather than the typical focus on individual objects, we can understand the connection that unites the distinct entities of cars, humans, wind, water and living creatures. Cars run along the ground, but they and humans are not the only things that flow across the surface of the earth. The wind, water and a wide variety of living creatures are also part of the flow. And, while the process can take centuries, even the surface of the planet flows as it changes form. As an extension of this premise, one could say that cities people build are also part of this flow. Extrapolating further, the human body itself is an organism comprised of a variety of small flows. The exhibition space has been designed to present a dynamic scene inspired by an awareness of the flow of the wind in nature. “Our desire here is to create a design that allows visitors to experience the image of nature and humans joining to create the flow of life in the future”, explain designers Toyo Ito and Akihisa Hirata.
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    By viewing design from the perspective of “flow” rather than the typical focus on individual objects, we can understand the connection that unites the distinct entities of cars, humans, wind, water and living creatures. Cars run along the ground, but they and humans are not the only things that flow across the surface of the earth. The wind, water and a wide variety of living creatures are also part of the flow. And, while the process can take centuries, even the surface of the planet flows as...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Client Lexus
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Pavilions / Exhibitions /Installations
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