Belgrade Science Centre
Belgrade / Serbia / 2010
The Centre for the Promotion of Science will be used for the display and education of historic and contemporary advances in science and scientific research. The vast range of investigations and experimentation directed the creation of a two level display building, floor and roof, that are seamlessly connected to one another via a terraced set of saddle-formed arches connecting the two layers of Science Centre visually, outlining a playful format for the interior and exterior display of scientific discoveries.
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The Centre for the Promotion of Science will be used for the display and education of historic and contemporary advances in science and scientific research. The vast range of investigations and experimentation directed the creation of a two level display building, floor and roof, that are seamlessly connected to one another via a terraced set of saddle-formed arches connecting the two layers of Science Centre visually, outlining a playful format for the interior and exterior display of...
- Year 2010
- Status Unrealised proposals
- Type multi-purpose civic centres / Research Centres/Labs