B_001 interiors | Agnieszka Ufnal

Clean little space proposal Białystok / Poland / 2013

1 Love 800 Visits Published
Interior proposal for a 60 sq.m house, where there is not enough space for a mess. Kitchen hidden in a reflective-white cupboard allows leaving everything on a place while haveing a sense of clean space. Big frame in the middle is eating space which divides living room from a kitchen. The rest is just white-concrete relaxing space with movable tea table. The details like red lamp black frame and red stools make the design..
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    Interior proposal for a 60 sq.m house, where there is not enough space for a mess. Kitchen hidden in a reflective-white cupboard allows leaving everything on a place while haveing a sense of clean space. Big frame in the middle is eating space which divides living room from a kitchen. The rest is just white-concrete relaxing space with movable tea table. The details like red lamp black frame and red stools make the design..

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work started in 2012
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design / Lofts/Penthouses
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