South East Football for Hope Centre, Ramotswa

11th of 20 Centres for 2010 Ramotswa / Botswana / 2013

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The new Football for Hope Centre is located on the SEDYEA site, between the existing Youth Centre and the catering area, addressing both these spaces, and within close vicinity of the existing and the proposed football pitch. The approach to the new centre is via the existing landscape area around the Youth Centre. The L-shaped building forms a small arrival courtyard welcoming visitors and creating a sheltered social outdoor area. This courtyard is connected visually to the football pitches via the outdoor seminar room. The multi-purpose room, computer room and offices are all accessible directly off the courtyard via a covered circulation area. The outdoor seminar space is located facing both pitches to serve as a match planning area during practice sessions and a cover for the stage and spectator rest area during league days. Vertical shading to the outdoor seminar area ensures that this space is shaded and usable all day, including the late afternoons when much of the match planning takes place. The design proposes the use of materials that are long-lasting, robust, local where available and that create the most comfortable indoor environment possible. Walls are bagged and painted externally, creating a hard-wearing textured finish. In isolated areas, they will act as a form a canvas for local artists, tapping into the rich tradition of decorating buildings in Tswana culture. Local stone is used for external paving and for low walls that define external spaces and act as informal seating areas. Handmade bricks are used as contrasting paving in some areas. Floors internally are painted screed throughout, a robust finish that allows natural cooling from the ground into the building. The proposed pitch ( an in-kind donation from Greenfields) is located to minimise the loss of existing trees and site clearance required. Due to the size of the pitch and the location of trees on the site, it was not possible to avoid loss of trees altogether, and unfortunately three existing trees will need to be removed, one of them mature. This will be offset by planting three new trees along the East of the building. In-kind donations will be sought to fund the planting of additional trees outside of this budget. The pitch is located alongside the existing football pitch, allowing for the 3m run-off required and for sufficient additional space to allow for benches to be located between the pitches (funded outside of this project). Sustainability Statement: The building orientation and roof overhangs are carefully designed to minimise heat gain during the summer months and to maximise heat gains during the winter months. The mono pitch roof and soffit creates tall spaces, further minimising overheating. The roof is made of IBR sheeting with a white Chromadeck finish to reflect heat and is insulated using recycled paper insulation (supply and installation of the the insulation is an in-kind donation from Ecoinsulation). The roof is fitted with gutters and rainwater downpipes to facilitate rainwater harvesting and one of the rainwater downpipes will be connected to an existing water storage tank on the site. A solar power installation to support the engergy usage of the building and provide power backup during power cuts will be donated and installed by Yingli. Local clay bricks are used in the wall construction, they were selected for their low embodied energy and good thermal properties.
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    The new Football for Hope Centre is located on the SEDYEA site, between the existing Youth Centre and the catering area, addressing both these spaces, and within close vicinity of the existing and the proposed football pitch. The approach to the new centre is via the existing landscape area around the Youth Centre. The L-shaped building forms a small arrival courtyard welcoming visitors and creating a sheltered social outdoor area. This courtyard is connected visually to the football pitches...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Main structure Masonry
    • Cost $157000 USD
    • Status Completed works
    • Type multi-purpose civic centres / Sports Facilities
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