Water-Treatment Plant | AWP
Évry / France / 2012
Located on the Seine river front, close to a key metropolitan route (the Francilienne), Évry water depuration plant is a major infrastructural element that is at once symbolic and highly functional, reflecting environmental, technical and urban considerations. The first plant was built in the 70s and the aim of this renovation is to increase and optimize its capacity. The urban dimension of the equipment has guided us towards a strategy of opening-up and hospitality. Previously rejected and hidden, this infrastructure is now relocated on the urban scene, so as to have a public role and to become symbolic. Regularly open to visitors, this equipment will become both a landmark and an experiential water filtering park. The formal strategy consists of a main axis along the river where gardens, new buildings and tanks are located. Buildings will be renovated and their façades completely redesigned as urban scale filters.
Située en bordure de la Seine, à proximité de la Francilienne, la station d’épuration d’évry est un élément d’infrastructure majeur. Les enjeux de ce projet sont autant écologiques et techniques qu’urbains et symboliques. La première station datant des années 70, le but de cette restructuration est avant tout d’augmenter et d’optimiser la capacité et la qualité de traitement des eaux. Nous avons également voulu resituer l’infrastructure sur l’échiquier urbain, pour qu’elle en souligne la dynamique et y joue un rôle public. Nous avons donc adopté une stratégie de décloisonnement et d’hospitalité. L’épine dorsale de la station est un axe de visite suivant le fil de l’eau, le long duquel jardins, nouveaux édifices et bassins se suivent et s’harmonisent. Les bâtiments aux allures robustes et techniques sont chapeautés de toitures plantées soulignant une amélioration et un renforcement de l’existant.
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Located on the Seine river front, close to a key metropolitan route (the Francilienne), Évry water depuration plant is a major infrastructural element that is at once symbolic and highly functional, reflecting environmental, technical and urban considerations. The first plant was built in the 70s and the aim of this renovation is to increase and optimize its capacity. The urban dimension of the equipment has guided us towards a strategy of opening-up and hospitality. Previously rejected and...
- Year 2012
- Work finished in 2012
- Client Communauté d’agglomération d’Évry
- Status Completed works
- Type Industrial facilities