mixed use development | andre halim

2nd place competition winners Jakarta / Indonesia / 2000

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I start to design with the consideration of site unique character, the site is separate become two part, each part have different character. I choose that situation as a pad for me to put the function and form of the building. The first site (29,2 ha) have wide characteristic, filled with a series of commercials function like office, hotel, auditorium, shop and hypermarket, where all banded together in one single mass. Centralization of those functions is chosen to get enough ‘Green Space’and also effective connection from each function. To create dialog connection between human, building, and environment. I try to make a big circle ‘Atrium’ on center of the mass. The second site (6,9 ha) have narrow character, fill with tower housing function. The tower form is chosen with consideration of limited site space and to maximize upper space. The both sites are connected with bridge and ramp that give continues space experience to create unity and harmony environment. This bridge is also used as transportation, green line for pedestrian.
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    I start to design with the consideration of site unique character, the site is separate become two part, each part have different character. I choose that situation as a pad for me to put the function and form of the building. The first site (29,2 ha) have wide characteristic, filled with a series of commercials function like office, hotel, auditorium, shop and hypermarket, where all banded together in one single mass. Centralization of those functions is chosen to get enough ‘Green Space’and...

    Project details
    • Year 2000
    • Main structure Mixed structure
    • Client private company
    • Contractor competition work
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Public Squares / Urban development plans / Urban Renewal / Metropolitan area planning
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