MotherMine & All of Us
A Collection of Furniture inspired by Human anatomy. Lisbon / Portugal
Mother Mine & All Of Us. A furniture collection inspired by human anatomy. It drifts from the will to value the reflection of my own identity, represented in the shape of a simple fragment, the most wounded piece of my female architecture. Place where all human beings are engendered and formed. The idea started from the need to materializea “graffiti”, a hieroglyph, a capricious arabesque that repeatedly fills the blank pages of my notebooks. It is the trace of my identity, the engravement of my youthful female body in a x-ray plate. That sketch reveals itself in the first pieces of the collection, restrained and elegant, occupying the space and creates is own space.
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Mother Mine & All Of Us. A furniture collection inspired by human anatomy. It drifts from the will to value the reflection of my own identity, represented in the shape of a simple fragment, the most wounded piece of my female architecture. Place where all human beings are engendered and formed. The idea started from the need to materializea “graffiti”, a hieroglyph, a capricious arabesque that repeatedly fills the blank pages of my notebooks. It is the trace of my identity, the engravement of...
- Status Completed works
- Type Museums / Associations/Foundations / Exhibition Design / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Lighting Design / Art Galleries