PAPRIKA | Andrea Langhi
eco-chic bar & restaurant Reggio Emilia / Italy / 2008
Materiali poveri quali il legno grezzo alle pareti e i tronchi d'albero come divisori si mescolano ad altri ricercati come le sedute in velluto capitonnè per suggerire un nuovo modo di concepire il lusso: naturale ecologico e chic.
Poors materials such as the raw wood on the walls and tree trunks as dividers mix with other precious materials such as velvet sofas capitonnè to suggest a new way of conceiving the luxury: natural ecological and chic.
Poors materials such as the raw wood on the walls and tree trunks as dividers mix with other precious materials such as velvet sofas capitonnè to suggest a new way of conceiving the luxury: natural ecological and chic.
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Materiali poveri quali il legno grezzo alle pareti e i tronchi d'albero come divisori si mescolano ad altri ricercati come le sedute in velluto capitonnè per suggerire un nuovo modo di concepire il lusso: naturale ecologico e chic.Poors materials such as the raw wood on the walls and tree trunks as dividers mix with other precious materials such as velvet sofas capitonnè to suggest a new way of conceiving the luxury: natural ecological and chic.
- Year 2008
- Status Completed works
- Type Restaurants / Discos, Clubs / Interior Design