Albury Library/Museum | ARM Architecture
Museo e biblioteca Albury, New South Wales / Australia / 2008
It is part of a masterplan that combines cultural buildings with a new public square and landscape. With this project, ARM pioneered the model of a library and museum that share staff and management. Our client, the City of Albury, needed the building to be an urban marker that would engender a sense of place. ARM developed a masterplan in which the Library/Museum is a beacon on its corner. It also connects via pathways through QEII Square to the neighbouring Albury Art Gallery and Albury Entertainment Centre.
Our architecture is connected to its location in a literal and accessible way. It stitches together familiar elements from the Albury region: the Murray River banks, levees and trees of the surrounding landscape, the river course itself, the streetscape of the civic precinct, the cornices of a railway carriage—even the materials of Albury’s buildings. The row-of-X’s façade motif references the giant webbing of the railway bridge over the Murray. The design looks bold from the street and creates a significant backdrop for the Square.
Albury has best-practice sustainability features equivalent to 5-Star Green Star including passive solar design, high-performance low-energy mechanical solutions, low-energy high-frequency lighting and rainwater recycling.
Contraddistingue il progetto un’audace facciata colorata che evoca le travi reticolari del ponte ferroviario che attraversa il fiume Murray.
Denominato Albury Cultural Centre, l’edificio è parte di un programma di intervento urbano finalizzato alla integrazione delle strutture culturali presenti sul territorio con i nuovi spazi pubblici previsti dal Piano Regolatore.
Il progetto è risultato di un attento studio che ha visto gli architetti australiani di ARM alle prese con diverse considerazioni urbanistiche, quali la posizione angolare del lotto destinato ad ospitare la struttura, il rispetto dei confini dello stesso, nonché della scala delle costruzioni adiacenti, e la necessità di integrare la struttura con gli spazi pubblici circostanti.
“Abbiamo concepito l’edificio – spiegano gli australiani dello studio ARM – come una composizione di più elementi e idee, piuttosto che come un unico blocco edilizio. Tale approccio ci ha consentito di mettere in pratica differenti scelte progettuali per ciascun angolo del lotto”.
It is part of a masterplan that combines cultural buildings with a new public square and landscape. With this project, ARM pioneered the model of a library and museum that share staff and management. Our client, the City of Albury, needed the building to be an urban marker that would engender a sense of place. ARM developed a masterplan in which the Library/Museum is a beacon on its corner. It also connects via pathways through QEII Square to the neighbouring Albury Art Gallery and Albury...
- Year 2008
- Work started in 2006
- Work finished in 2008
- Client Città di Albury
- Status Completed works
- Type Multi-purpose Cultural Centres / Museums / Libraries
- Website