West Village Trolley Rest Stop | Enrique Greenwell
Inspiration from the Past Dallas / United States / 2009
The West Village Trolley Rest Stop design competition sponsored by West Village in partnership with AIA Dallas, named the entry submitted by Enrique Greenwell, vice president and designer with HKS, first place and best of show.
A non-profit organization, the McKinney Avenue Transit Authority (MATA) operates four trolleys along a 3.5-mile route, known as the M-line, connecting downtown Dallas and the Uptown neighborhood. This year marks the 20th anniversary of MATA, and according to the competition’s blog http://www.trolleycomp.blogspot.com/ the announcement of the competition winners “will serve as a vehicle to publicize and celebrate this milestone.”
West Village, the most northern part of the M-line circuit, is a popular walking and shopping district that seeks to increase the ride-ability of the trolley system. The winning rest stop design will replace the single pole and sign currently marking the three trolley rest stops in the West Village area, providing heightened M-line identity as well as convenience and shelter for patrons of the free service.
When Greenwell first read about the competition in an email, he immediately started sketching. “The small scale of the project and the design challenge captured my imagination. Within two minutes I had my partí,” said Greenwell.
By abstracting the elements of his favorite trolley, #636, a.k.a. “Petunia,” built in 1920, Greenwell’s design met the requirements of the competition while both speaking to the contemporary feel of the West Village neighborhood and relating to the historic trolleys “of yesteryear.”
“To me, trolleys are pieces of the industrial revolution, and, with my passion for industrial design, I was interested in having the trolley itself inform my design decisions,” he said. “Everything from the color of paint for the steel structure, to the therma-formed acrylic canopy, to the placement of the M-line logo was inspired by the vintage trolleys but in a contemporary way.”
The final jury panel consisted of three developers and owners of West Village along with Stephen Park, AIA, Corgan Associates; Ron Wommack, FAIA; and Paul Pascarelli, AIA, WKMC Architects, who served as jury foreman.
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FROM THE PUBLISHED RESULTS. The West Village Trolley Rest Stop design competition sponsored by West Village in partnership with AIA Dallas, named the entry submitted by Enrique Greenwell, vice president and designer with HKS, first place and best of show. A non-profit organization, the McKinney Avenue Transit Authority (MATA) operates four trolleys along a 3.5-mile route, known as the M-line, connecting downtown Dallas and the Uptown neighborhood. This year marks the 20th anniversary of MATA,...
- Year 2009
- Work started in 2009
- Work finished in 2009
- Main structure Steel
- Client West Village Management Company
- Contractor DD&R Construction
- Cost 35000
- Status Competition works
- Type Urban Furniture / Bus Stations