CONCENTRATION BLOCK | Eduardo Parra Chavarro


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The Metropolis will become the major event of human concentration in history and the colossal dimensions that some of them have reached make their evolution even more unviable in a global context that emphasizes the need for a rational use of the energies and the elimination of the social conflicts expressed in the configuration of the city. The sprawl urban expansion disables the optimization of collective transport systems, increases the city building costs, magnifies the social fracture in the territory and intensifies the environmental emergency caused by the gases of vehicles that carry out extensive itineraries. The hybrid project responds to these problems with more population density and typological diversity in housing as a reflection of social diversity, more presence and richness of urban program to endow it of metropolitan character, and better environmental considerations. If the city is formally fragmentary, the block is a sum of parts; if the city grows horizontally undetermined, the block grows vertically to the point of definition; if the city holds within a social fracture, the block summons the social diversity; if in the city the property model is stationary and sedentary, in the block is dynamic and nomad; if the city promotes a high level of contamination and energetic squandering, the block makes of sustainability its principal added value. The hybrid program is gathered in a tower that stands out of the earth as a cube with two housing blocks oriented for solar light improvement, connected with suspended beams that lodge collective services, and by a green fold oriented to the south, like a plant searching for sun light, as space of encounter. A park is located as coronation with eolic generators that feed the hybrid of energy. The project has six floors beneath street level dedicated to parking and leisure activities. Beyond a spatial proposal, it represents a new “urban breed” with new forms of social relations. A Utopia for the Contemporary City.
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    The Metropolis will become the major event of human concentration in history and the colossal dimensions that some of them have reached make their evolution even more unviable in a global context that emphasizes the need for a rational use of the energies and the elimination of the social conflicts expressed in the configuration of the city. The sprawl urban expansion disables the optimization of collective transport systems, increases the city building costs, magnifies the social fracture in...

    Project details
    • Year 2007
    • Main structure Mixed structure
    • Status Research/Thesis
    • Type Multi-family residence / Modular/Prefabricated housing / Urban Renewal
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