CENTRO URBANO | rdlp arquitectos | Rodrigo de la Peña | Monterrey

NUEVO LEON / Mexico / 2010

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In a new residential area west of the city of Monterrey, is "Centro Urbano Valle Poniente." In a polygon with 2235 m2 is the area for two mixed use towers, both part of a set of 6 towers that make up the "Terraza 4 del Centro Urbano”, designed as high density housing and commercial use at street level. Here is where the two towers of 6 floors each, which have 1 or 2 floors destined to commerce such as studios, coffee shops, express service, etc., 5 floors of apartments and amenities in the 6th level. There are four types of apartments: The "A +" with 85 m2 on two floors, the "B" of 100 m2, the "C" of 125 m2, and "D" 186 m2. Both towers have two vertical circulations which serve each half of the tower, making it very efficient and private due to that each apartment only has 3, 2 or 1 neighbor.  At the center of the two towers is a pedestrian walkway with landscaping and street furniture suitable for residents and visitors to enjoy the place, and this area is front to the commercioal area. The mixed-use towers are equipped with a private parking for users, and public parking for business and visitors. Both are underground parking and work together with the two adjacent towers, uproots on 2 levels and a half.
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    In a new residential area west of the city of Monterrey, is "Centro Urbano Valle Poniente." In a polygon with 2235 m2 is the area for two mixed use towers, both part of a set of 6 towers that make up the "Terraza 4 del Centro Urbano”, designed as high density housing and commercial use at street level. Here is where the two towers of 6 floors each, which have 1 or 2 floors destined to commerce such as studios, coffee shops, express service, etc., 5 floors of apartments and amenities in the 6th...

    Project details
    • Year 2010
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Multi-family residence / Social Housing / Tower blocks/Skyscrapers
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