Giovì relais

Polignano A Mare Polignano a mare / Italy / 2011

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The objective of the young architects from MPTtre architectural office for the dwellings of Giovì relais in Polignano a Mare in southern Italy was to bring back to life the fascinating charm of bygone days characterised by small daily gestures. Simple but elegant rooms in which the white recalls Mediterranean atmospheres and provides the backdrop to period furniture, matched with modern and essential solutions. In order to perfectly recover the splendid structure dating back to the early 19th Century, which now houses Giovì Relais, the designers resorted to ancient building techniques. “In order to make the most of the rooms and to give this dwelling a new identity, we preferred to use materials which are typical of our territory. The walls and the vaults, made with natural plasterwork and tuff stone, are enriched with local stone wall lights, knowingly forged by local craftsmen. In one of the rooms, the tuff stone has also become the ideal material for an original bed. Typical local stone slabs are used for the floors. Cocciopesto is the protagonist in the bathroom. This material, which has been used since Roman times, is used for the walls and washbasins and comes in various shades of terracotta red and goes well with ceramics, glass and steel. Finally the wood is knowingly restored to give new life to precious period pieces like wardrobes, beds, cupboards, desks and writing tables”. ITA Il Giovì Relais è una dimora privata che nasce dalla conversione di un manufatto storico in struttura ricettiva con annesso spazio benessere. L'attento e sensibile restauro di innovazione realizzato, risultato necessario per il successivo riuso, ha conservato l'intera facciata del palazzo ricomponendola con un trattamento materico uniforme. L'aspetto estetico raggiunto è il risultato dunque di una esaltazione naturale e non invasiva delle forme architettoniche del palazzo. Gli ambienti esclusivi conferiscono alla struttura un'identità ben definita, che si distingue per la sua linearità, semplicità e ricercatezza. L'illuminazione architetturale inserita lo rende pertanto evocativo ed accattivante. I materiali utilizzati sono quelli della tradizione locale: pietra, tonachino, cocciopesto e legno.
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    The objective of the young architects from MPTtre architectural office for the dwellings of Giovì relais in Polignano a Mare in southern Italy was to bring back to life the fascinating charm of bygone days characterised by small daily gestures. Simple but elegant rooms in which the white recalls Mediterranean atmospheres and provides the backdrop to period furniture, matched with modern and essential solutions. In order to perfectly recover the splendid structure dating back to the early 19th...

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Work started in 2010
    • Work finished in 2011
    • Client Privato
    • Contractor cienne costruzioni
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Multi-family residence
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