Kona Residence

Kailua-Kona / United States / 2010

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Design Architect Belzberg Architects Principal Hagy Belzberg Project Manager Barry Gartin Project Team David Cheung, Barry Gartin, Cory Taylor, Andrew Atwood, Chris Arntzen, Brock DeSmit, Dan Rentsch, Lauren Zuzack, Justin Brechtel, Phillip Lee, Aaron Leppanen Structural Consultant - William Blakeney Inc. Mechanical Consultant - Mark Morrison & Associates Electrical Consultant - Lighting & Engineering Integrated, Inc. Plumbing Consultant - Mark Morrison & Associates General Contractor - Tinguely Development, Inc. Landscape Architect - Belt Collins Hawaii Landscaping - Joe Roderick Hawaiian Landscapes, Inc. Interiors - MLK Studio Special Fabrication - Spectrum Oak Products Photography - Benny Chan (Fotoworks), Belzberg Architects Situato fra colate di lava solidificata, il Kona Residence, progettato da Belzberg Architects, orienta il suo asse non secondo la linearità del lotto, ma secondo le viste panoramiche predominanti. Nella dicotomia tra elementi naturali e ‘urbanizzati’, la residenza è a cavallo fra il panorama circostante delle montagne vulcaniche a est e l'oceano a ovest. Il progetto è organizzato come una serie di ‘elementi’ distribuiti su tutta la proprietà, ognuno con caratteristiche e viste uniche. Questi elementi sono programmaticamente destinati a zona notte con spazi comuni, sala multimediale, master suite e zona giorno principale. Un corridoio esterno diventa elemento nodale di distribuzione e riferimento di tutta la casa e collega le varie zone lungo un asse centrale. Per contribuire alla sensibilità ambientale della casa, sul tetto sono montate due file separate di pannelli fotovoltaici che compensano il consumo di energia del residence, mentre la pietra lavica scura riscalda l'acqua della piscina tramite irraggiamento solare. In tutta la proprietà è stato creato un sistema di raccolta dell'acqua piovana e il reindirizzamento in tre pozzi di drenaggio che alimentano la falda acquifera. Il legno di teak, recuperato da vecchi fienili e dai binari dei treni, e abbinato alla pietra lavica, viene riciclato per rivestire esternamente la casa. I tradizionali cesti intessuti sono stati d'ispirazione per la struttura d'ingresso. Soffitti e pareti in legno scolpito, in tutta la casa, proseguono l’astratto riferimento alla tradizionale scultura in legno hawaiana abbinandola a una struttura contemporanea. Nestled between cooled lava flows, the Kona residence situates its axis not with the linearity of the property, but rather with the axiality of predominant views available to the site. Within the dichotomy of natural elements and a geometric hardscape, the residence integrates both the surrounding views of volcanic mountain ranges to the east and ocean horizons westward. The program is arranged as a series of pods distributed throughout the property, each having its own unique features and view opportunities. The pods are programmatically assigned as two sleeping pods with common areas, media room, master suite and main living space. An exterior gallery corridor becomes the organizational and focal feature for the entire house, connecting the two pods along a central axis. To help maintain the environmental sensitivity of the house, two separate arrays of roof mounted photovoltaic panels offset the residence energy usage while the choice of darker lava stone help heat the pool water via solar radiation. Rain water collection and redirection to three drywells that replenish the aquifer are implemented throughout the property. Reclaimed teak timber from old barns and train tracks are recycled for the exterior of the home. Coupled with stacked and cut lava rock, the two materials form a historically driven medium embedded in Hawaiian tradition. Local basket weaving culture was the inspiration for the entry pavilion which reenacts the traditional gift upon arrival ceremony. Various digitally sculpted wood ceilings and screens, throughout the house, continue the abstract approach to traditional Hawaiian wood carving further infusing traditional elements into the contemporary arrangement.
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    Design Architect Belzberg Architects Principal Hagy Belzberg Project Manager Barry Gartin Project Team David Cheung, Barry Gartin, Cory Taylor, Andrew Atwood, Chris Arntzen, Brock DeSmit, Dan Rentsch, Lauren Zuzack, Justin Brechtel, Phillip Lee, Aaron Leppanen Structural Consultant - William Blakeney Inc. Mechanical Consultant - Mark Morrison & Associates Electrical Consultant - Lighting & Engineering Integrated, Inc. Plumbing Consultant - Mark Morrison & Associates General Contractor -...

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