Casa Gloria | HANGHAR
Murcia / Spain / 2023
The room, as the minimumtypological unit of architecture,is the starting point for thisproject. An investigation intothe possibilities that spatialsystems have in the dissolutionof domestic conventions. Theroom not as an autonomous space,but the result of a process ofsubdivision and individualizationthat organizes domestic life.The original space issubdivided into 23 rectangularrooms, of similar size,articulated together by centralopenings, thus creating a spatialisotropy of concatenated rooms.Each space is not defined by aspecific use or function, but byits cognitive characteristics:its lighting, darkness,orientation, spatial dimensionsare the only conditions thatdelimit the possibilities ofoccupation.The project consists of fourhomes located in a building fromthe seventies in the center ofthe city of Murcia. Faced withthe rapid real estate speculationsuffered in the Spanish Levantein recent years, the projectmoves away from connotationsderived from market-driven logicsand proposes a flexible system,capable of evading pre-fixedand conventional conditions.The project is understood as aspatial system indifferent of thecontext in which it is located.A system that is conceptuallygeneric as well as spatiallyspecific, which rejects anyrelationship to the perimeter,the program and the orientationof space.The materials are simple anddirect: mirrored surfaces dilutethe limits of the project andpromise a spatial imaginarythat goes beyond its physicalperimeter, while continuous epoxyresin floors eliminate any senseof scale. The plastic enamelceiling amplify the brightnessand colors while the galvanizedsteel and local granite cookingspace provides a point ofreference in each home.
Photography: Luis Diaz Diaz
The room, as the minimumtypological unit of architecture,is the starting point for thisproject. An investigation intothe possibilities that spatialsystems have in the dissolutionof domestic conventions. Theroom not as an autonomous space,but the result of a process ofsubdivision and individualizationthat organizes domestic life.The original space issubdivided into 23 rectangularrooms, of similar size,articulated together by centralopenings, thus creating a spatialisotropy of concatenated...
- Year 2023
- Work finished in 2023
- Status Completed works
- Type Apartments / Interior Design