N.Sauro Primary School | Settanta7
Brugnera / Italy / 2023
A school architecture that becomes a new centrality for the Community of Brugnera: this was the goal for the N. Sauro primary school in Brugnera, as the first chapter of a larger project which involves the construction of a new whole school center.
Imagined as a large cetacean, the school shows two levels above ground housing 8 classrooms, a canteen, a teachers' room and a multifunctional connective area with spaces dedicated to socializing and individual study.
Starting from the outline of the existing school, the plan develops towards the north, with classrooms arranged along the east side of the building and the canteen on the west side; the connective space represents - with the service block and the stairs - the functional heart of the building. The hall becomes the distribution hub between the school block and the existing buildings, which can be accessed from the same compass.
The project has been conceived of eco-compatible, resistant and insulating materials and able to guarantee high performance. The sinuous shapes recall of a whale, whose reference as design inspiration is emphasized by the teal color of the facade and roof cladding .
The load-bearing structure is made of X-LAM panels and a roof made of laminated wood beams: quick to assemble, sustainable and light. The foundations are made up of inverted reinforced concrete beams; the floors are made of laminated wood.
CLIENT: Municipality of Brugnera
Project team: Settanta7
Plant design - Eng. Stefano Santarossa
Structural design - Eng. Loris Borean
PLACE: Brugnera, Pordenone
YEAR: 2022- 2023
AREA: 2056 sqm
Plasterboard Saint Gobain Italia spa
Sandrini Metalli cladding sheet
Hardware for Roof Rox structural parts
Xlam Binderholz
Rock wool - KM IMPIANTI SRL - Bonus Insulation
XPS panel - URSA
Vapor barrier - Italian membranes
Internal staircase - Sideralba
Bathroom tiles - Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola S.C.
School tiles - Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola S.C.
Sanitary ware - Geberit - Rac Ceramics - Goman
Lighting - Beghelli + Opple
Paintings - Mapei
UTA - Clivet
Fence - Grills
PROGRAMME: Expansion of the Primary School. The project involves the demolition of the head of the school compartment, located to the south, and the subsequent construction of a new building in the northern part, directly connected on both floors to the existing building
Un’architettura scolastica che diventi una nuova centralità per la Comunità di Brugnera : questo l’obiettivo di Settanta7 per la scuola primaria N. Sauro di Brugnera, come prima parte di un più ampio progetto che prevede la realizzazione di un intero polo.
Immaginata nella sua forma esterna come un grande cetaceo, la scuola mostra due livelli fuori terra che ospitano 8 aule, una mensa, un’aula professori e un connettivo polifunzionale con spazi dedicati alla socialità e allo studio individuale.
Partendo dalla sagoma della scuola esistente, la planimetria si sviluppa verso nord, con aule disposte lungo il lato est dell'edificio e la mensa con i suoi servizi nel lato ovest; lo spazio connettivo rappresenta - con il blocco servizi e le scale - il cuore funzionale dell'edificio. La zona filtro diventa fulcro distributivo tra il blocco scolastico e i corpi di fabbrica esistenti, ai quali si accede dalla stessa bussola.
L’involucro è costituito da materiali eco-compatibili resistenti ed isolanti, è in grado di garantire alte prestazioni termiche Le forme sinuose che richiamano le forme di una balena, il cui riferimento come ispirazione progettuale è enfatizzato dal color ottanio del rivestimento di facciate e copertura.
La struttura portante è in pannelli X-LAM e copertura in travi di legno lamellare: veloce da assemblare, sostenibile e leggera. Le fondazioni sono costituite da travi rovesce in C.A; i solai sono realizzati in legno lamellare.
A school architecture that becomes a new centrality for the Community of Brugnera: this was the goal for the N. Sauro primary school in Brugnera, as the first chapter of a larger project which involves the construction of a new whole school center. Imagined as a large cetacean, the school shows two levels above ground housing 8 classrooms, a canteen, a teachers' room and a multifunctional connective area with spaces dedicated to socializing and individual study. Starting from the outline of...
- Year 2023
- Work finished in 2023
- Client Municipality of Brugnera
- Status Completed works
- Type Schools/Institutes