Casa em Bencanta | fp-a (filipe pina arquitectura)

Coimbra / Portugal / 2021

7 Love 482 Visits Published

When we visited it for the first time, the house was uninhibited and looked sad. The original building was lost, spreading itself in multiple annexes over the land plot. Our objective was to keep alive the memory of the main house, with some minor intervention on its exterior. We kept the original volume as well as the design and geometry of its elements. The only changes focused on replacing the windows to enhance the links between the interior and exterior of the house. 

We soon understood that we should maintain the house functional structure which aged significantly over time. We introduced some changes in the interior parts to make it fit to new standards of comfort expected by the new owners. 

Due to the simplicity of the original building, lacking elaborated features, we kept a simple concept when developing our project, only incorporating some color, some wood elements, new bathrooms and kitchen. We kept the wooden floors and interiors, some ceilings and walls. 

This project and its execution was only possible thanks to a close participatory process between the architect and the clients. 



Quando visitámos a casa pela primeira vez estava desinibida e triste, o edifício original estava perdido, estendeu-se em sucessivos anexos espalhados pelo quintal. O objetivo foi manter viva a memória da casa principal, com algumas e pontuais mudanças no seu exterior. Mantivemos a volumetria original assim como o desenho e geometria de todos os elementos que a compõem. As únicas alterações foram a substituição das caixilharias de forma a potencializar a relação entre interior e exterior. 

Desde cedo percebemos que devíamos manter o programa e estrutura funcional da casa que acusava alguma passagem do tempo e dos seus anteriores moradores, tendo apenas sido introduzidas pequenas alterações interiores por forma a adaptar a casa às exigências dos novos moradores. 

Sendo o edifício original uma construção muito simples e desprovida de elementos elaborados, assumimos a simplicidade no desenvolvimento do projeto, introduzindo apenas cor, carpintarias pontuais, novas instalações sanitárias e cozinha. Preservámos os soalhos, carpintarias interiores, alguns tectos e revestimentos. 

Este projeto e a sua execução apenas foi possível através de um processo participativo entre equipa de projeto e dono de obra. 


Equipe de Projeto: André Teixeira, Diana Cruz, Filipe Pina 

Fotógrafo: Ivo Tavares Studio 

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    When we visited it for the first time, the house was uninhibited and looked sad. The original building was lost, spreading itself in multiple annexes over the land plot. Our objective was to keep alive the memory of the main house, with some minor intervention on its exterior. We kept the original volume as well as the design and geometry of its elements. The only changes focused on replacing the windows to enhance the links between the interior and exterior of the house.  We soon...

    Project details
    • Year 2021
    • Work finished in 2021
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design
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