Farmhouse BGS | Enrica Mosciaro
Spain / 2020
This building, humble, non-uniform, formed by different structures, has been constructed over three centuries to meet the needs of its inhabitants and users.
Its primary function has historically been residential, serving as the home for field workers for much of its history.
As a composition of several buildings, each space had its own independent entrance and different ground levels.
The project aims to unify the ground level, necessitating excavation in some areas, both inside and outside.
In the late 19th century, the building was transformed into a glass furnace, and it was during this period that a magnificent brick arch was constructed.
To bring the residence up to modern standards of habitability and sanitation, the entire existing structure has been respected, except for a central space left uncovered, which has been transformed into a courtyard providing air, light, and privacy to the dwelling.
This solution minimizes exterior alterations to the Farmhouse, preserving its characteristics as a simple, agricultural residence while emphasizing the beauty of the brick arch that testifies to the change in the building's use from residential to industrial.
Este edificio, pobre, no unitario, formado por cuerpos distintos, se ha construido a lo largo de 3 siglos, según las exigencias de sus habitantes y usuarios.
Su función ha sido prevalentemente residencial, siendo en la gran parte de su historia, la vivienda de los trabajadores del campo.
Como agregación de varios edificios, cada ámbito o recinto, tenía una entrada independiente y una cota diferente de suelo.
El proyecto se propone unificar la cota de la planta baja, haciendo necesario excavar en algunas zonas, tanto en el interior como en el exterior.
En la última parte del siglo XIX, el edificio fue trasformado en horno de vidrio: a esta época se debe la construcción de un magnifico arco de ladrillos.
Para conseguir adecuar la vivienda a las condiciones de habitabilidad y salubridad, se ha respetado la volumetría existente, menos un espacio central que se ha mantenido sin cubierta, transformándose así en un patio que proporciona aire, luz e intimidad a la vivienda.
Esta solución permite minimizar las intervenciones en el exterior de la Masía, preservando sus características de vivienda austera y agrícola y enfatizar la belleza del arco de ladrillo que testimonia el cambio de uso de este edificio de residencial a industrial.
Landscape: Maria Casanovas
Photography: Antonio Navarro Wijmark (, Diana Monaco

This building, humble, non-uniform, formed by different structures, has been constructed over three centuries to meet the needs of its inhabitants and users. Its primary function has historically been residential, serving as the home for field workers for much of its history. As a composition of several buildings, each space had its own independent entrance and different ground levels. The project aims to unify the ground level, necessitating excavation in some areas, both inside and...
- Year 2020
- Work finished in 2020
- Status Completed works
- Type Single-family residence / Interior Design / Building Recovery and Renewal