Casa IMLA | Luppa Architects

Porto / Portugal / 2023

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The IMLA House is located in Porto in Bairro da Vilarinha, a neighbourhood built during the last stage of economic housing neighbourhoods developed by the regime of Estado Novo in 1958. The neighbourhood is mainly composed by small dimensions semi-attached houses and since the IMLA house is the last house of the street, right in the corner between two streets, it has a bigger garden.

The first step of this project was changing the entrance of the house to another street, to ensure that the entrance was no longer made through the garden. The garden is now located in a more isolated area and it has therefore increased usage and more privacy.

In order to address the need of a higher gross area, we created an extension of the house in a two stories volume on the west façade of the house. This volume distances from the south limit of the house creating an indoor patio that promotes the entrance of south and west sunlight.

As to formal aspects of this project, it had as a premise that the new volume would not change the original features of the old house and was assumed as a new volume.

The idea was that you could still read the perimeter of the old building, by detaching the new volume in the transition between both of them and through the new windows.

Each interior space can now have direct exterior sunlight.



A casa IMLA está situada no bairro da Vilarinha no Porto, bairro que foi construído na última fase dos bairros das Casas Económicas do Estado Novo em 1958. O bairro é constituído maioritariamente por casas geminadas de pequena dimensão, sendo a casa IMLA a última casa da rua, localizada na esquina entre duas ruas e, portanto, com um jardim de maior dimensão.

O primeiro passo neste projecto foi a alteração da entrada da casa para outra rua, por forma a que a entrada deixasse de ser feita pelo jardim e este passasse, consequentemente, a ser numa zona mais recatada, conferindo-lhe uma maior utilidade e privacidade.

Para resolver a necessidade de ter mais área útil na habitação, foi criada uma ampliação volumétrica de dois pisos a poente, que se afasta do muro a Sul para criar um pátio interior e permitir uma maior entrada de luz de Sul e de Poente, colmatando o défice de luz que existia no rés-do-chão da casa.

No que toca às suas características formais, a premissa do projecto era não permitir que a ampliação descaracterizasse a volumetria original da casa e fosse assumida como um elemento novo. Tanto na transição entre os dois volumes, como na abertura de novos vãos no volume novo, é possível ter uma perfeita leitura da volumetria da casa antiga.

Os interiores foram trabalhados por forma a permitir que todos os espaços tenham iluminação natural.


Architecture Office: Luppa Architects



Main Architect: Francisco Mesquita Moura

Collaboration: André Machado, Gonçalo Campinho, Pedro Tavares



Photography: Ivo Tavares Studio

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    The IMLA House is located in Porto in Bairro da Vilarinha, a neighbourhood built during the last stage of economic housing neighbourhoods developed by the regime of Estado Novo in 1958. The neighbourhood is mainly composed by small dimensions semi-attached houses and since the IMLA house is the last house of the street, right in the corner between two streets, it has a bigger garden. The first step of this project was changing the entrance of the house to another street, to ensure that the...

    Project details
    • Year 2023
    • Work finished in 2023
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design
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