La Maison du Musée | 1001 Giving Living

The dialogue and sensations offered by this old house. Tainan City / Taiwan / 2023

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When we describe something, it's to gain a substantial understanding or offer more imagination and sensory sharing. Throughout history, storytellers have often been intermediaries for conveying messages, and today, modern authors and online creators describe the origins and experiences of many stories in both physical and virtual worlds, sharing thoughts and experiences.

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    When we describe something, it's to gain a substantial understanding or offer more imagination and sensory sharing. Throughout history, storytellers have often been intermediaries for conveying messages, and today, modern authors and online creators describe the origins and experiences of many stories in both physical and virtual worlds, sharing thoughts and experiences.

    Project details
    • Year 2023
    • Work started in 2022
    • Work finished in 2023
    • Main structure Mixed structure
    • Client La Maison du Musée
    • Contractor 1001 Giving Living
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Hotel/Resorts / Interior Design / Lofts/Penthouses
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