From garage to house | Judit Falgueras Arquitectura

Barcelona / Spain / 2023

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A village businessman who specialized in extracting wood from the forest built a small industrial building in the 1960s. Simple, functional and very humble, this space served as a warehouse, mechanic's workshop and finally as a parking lot for people from all over the city.

Practically sixty years later, a family, new to the area, saw in this warehouse, which had fallen into disuse, the opportunity to convert it into a home.

The project required a new metal structure as a key element that forms the first floor slab base and a total rehabilitation of the roof. The existing truss was in poor condition and would be replaced with a Vierendel beam to illuminate the distributor/study on the second floor. The new structure supported only on the party walls and on two points of the existing basement walls, making a balanced intervention and avoiding the re-cementation of the building. The first-floor elevation was built with a timber-framed facade and a light wood roof. Taking into consideration that the existing beams were in good condition and that they were extracted by the builder from his forests in the area, they were repurposed for the roof, and the wood from the old truss was transformed into furniture. It became the shelf and the table in the kitchen-dining room, and the bathroom cabinet on the ground floor.

The existing backyard facade and the party walls of the house are isolated, ensuring an envelope that limits the demand for energy. Strategic openings in the roof were created to promote the chimney effect, thus allowing natural cross ventilation of all rooms.

In terms of distribution, the ground floor accesses the garage, a dining room and kitchen, accompanied by a bathroom and a pantry, which is converted into a storage space for to the garage. The living-dining-kitchen room, is literally "what it was", diaphanous and open, with a new relationship to the outside through the windows on the new terrace and patio. The distribution of the first floor is subjected to the order of the structure, which organizes the distributor/study spaces, the three bedrooms, the gallery and the bathroom.

The proposal rehabilitated and enlarged the existing garage and converted it into a dwelling, maintaining all the existing elements of interest and the essence and sensations of the original space.


Un empresari de poble especialitzat en extreure fusta del bosc, va construir una petita nau industrial als anys 60. Senzilla, funcional i molt humil, aquell espai va servir de magatzem, taller mecànic, i finalment d’aparcament per a particulars de tot el municipi.

Pràcticament seixanta anys més tard, una família nouvinguda va veure en aquella nau en desús la oportunitat de convertir-la en llar.

El projecte planteja la nova estructura metàl·lica com un element clau que forma el forjat de planta primera i la rehabilitació de la coberta, substituint l’antiga encavallada "española" en mal estat per una biga Vierendel que il·luminarà el distribuïdor/estudi i l’habitació en planta primera. La nova estructura recolza únicament a les mitgeres i en dos punts dels murs del soterrani existent, realitzant una intervenció equilibrada i evitant la re-fonamentació de l’edifici. La remunta en planta primera s’executa mitjançant una façana d’entramat de fusta i coberta lleugera. Tenint en consideració que les bigues existents es trobaven en bon estat i que van ser extretes per el constructor dels seus boscos de la zona, s'han re-utilitzat a la coberta, i la fusta de l'encavallada s'ha transformat en mobles com el prestatge i la taula de la cuina-menjador, i el moble del bany en planta baixa. A més a més, el projecte aïlla tèrmicament la façana existent al pati i les mitgeres de l’habitatge, garantint una envolupant que limiti la demanda energètica, i crea obertures estratègiques a la coberta per afavorir l’efecte xemeneia, permetent així la ventilació creuada natural de totes les seves estances.

A nivell de distribució, en planta baixa es crea l’accés, el garatge i un sol espai d’estar, menjador i cuina, acompanyat per un bany i un rebost, que es converteixen en altell/traster al servei del garatge. Aquest espai central de l’habitatge d’estar-menjador-cuina, és literalment “el que era”, diàfan i obert, amb una nova relació a l’exterior mitjançant els finestrals a la nova terrassa i al pati. La distribució de la planta primera es sotmet a l’ordre de l’estructura, que organitza els espais de distribuïdor/estudi, les tres habitacions, la galeria i el bany.

La proposta rehabilita i amplia el garatge existent i el converteix en un habitatge, mantenint tots els elements d’interès existents i l’essència i sensacions de l’espai original

Lead Architects: Judit Falgueras

Other participants: DimArk Estructuras

Photography: Joan Guillamat





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    A village businessman who specialized in extracting wood from the forest built a small industrial building in the 1960s. Simple, functional and very humble, this space served as a warehouse, mechanic's workshop and finally as a parking lot for people from all over the city. Practically sixty years later, a family, new to the area, saw in this warehouse, which had fallen into disuse, the opportunity to convert it into a home. The project required a new metal structure as a key element that...

    Project details
    • Year 2023
    • Work finished in 2023
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments
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