Home Party | Yushan Men

Entry for the HOME Competition Los Angeles / United States / 2020

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Home Party is designed by Yushan Men and Chieh-Ting Chuang for the HOME Compeition. As live/work housing becomes a trend, we came up with an innovative lifestyle that stimulates more excitement than the conventional dwellings we are currently living in. The Home Party represents a co-living tower for three families congested with all the programs fulfilling the families’ needs.

The house includes wind turbines and solar panels as well as a rainwater collector to maintain the power of the daily living environment. By introducing more recreational programs to the building such as the amusement park and pool, we redefine life at work balanced with everyday life. The programs of the Home Party generate a new way of living and working that is fun, convenient, exciting, and sustainable.

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    Home Party is designed by Yushan Men and Chieh-Ting Chuang for the HOME Compeition. As live/work housing becomes a trend, we came up with an innovative lifestyle that stimulates more excitement than the conventional dwellings we are currently living in. The Home Party represents a co-living tower for three families congested with all the programs fulfilling the families’ needs. The house includes wind turbines and solar panels as well as a rainwater collector to maintain the power of the...

    Project details
    • Year 2020
    • Work started in 2020
    • Work finished in 2020
    • Main structure Mixed structure
    • Client HOME Competition Committee
    • Contractor N/A
    • Cost N/A
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Apartments / Multi-family residence / Social Housing / Tower blocks/Skyscrapers / Theme Parks, Zoos / Sports Centres / Swimming Pools / Leisure Centres
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