House Transformation in Lavapiés | KRI Studio
Madrid / Spain / 2020
The apartment is located on the ground floor of a building and opens onto a large patio between party walls. According to the plan of Madrid by Tomas Lopez in 1785, the apartment building is built on top of a former lead factory in the old industrial zone in the district of ES. During the construction of the new residential building in 1920, part of the structure and slabs from the factory were recycled for reuse in the ground floor of the new building.
The recently realized apartment transformation removes partition walls and false plaster ceilings, revealing the previously concealed Catalan vaults and amplifying the living space.
The main space contains the kitchen, dining, and living room programs in a single, open space. The kitchen functions as a place for socializing, and challenges the traditional hierarchy of kitchen as an enclosed, service space. This subversion is highlighted through the fabrication of single, polished brass kitchen piece, which reflects and illuminates the central living area. New wall openings in the facade establish an interior-exterior relationship, further expanding the use of the living space for inhabitants.
La transformación parte de una vivienda en planta baja enfrentada a un amplio patio de medianeras. Según el plano de Madrid de Tomas López en 1785 el edificio se sitúa sobre una fábrica de plomo en la antigua zona industrial del distrito de Lavapiés. Durante la construcción del nuevo edificio de viviendas en 1920 se reciclo parte de la estructura y los forjados de bóveda catalana en planta baja para el nuevo uso del edificio.
La propuesta se desprende de los muros de tabiquería y falsos techos de escayola destapando la bóveda tabicada escondida y dando amplitud al espacio de estar.
El estar principal contendrá el programa de cocina, comedor y salón en un solo espacio. La cocina funcionará como lugar de socialización, su materialidad en latón ensalzará su actitud actuando como una pieza de reflejos y destellos. El espacio central romperá los valores de confort establecidos durante la historia con las cocinas jerarquizadas.
Por último, el espacio de estar se convertirá en un lugar poroso, con la posibilidad de colonizar el patio de medianera gracias a los nuevos huecos que permitirán que exista una relación interior- exterior. La utilización de 2 tipos de revoco en fachada, uno fino y otro grueso, marcará la diferencia entre los espacios más táctiles del usuario y los menos accesibles.
Photography: Pablo Gómez Ogando
The apartment is located on the ground floor of a building and opens onto a large patio between party walls. According to the plan of Madrid by Tomas Lopez in 1785, the apartment building is built on top of a former lead factory in the old industrial zone in the district of ES. During the construction of the new residential building in 1920, part of the structure and slabs from the factory were recycled for reuse in the ground floor of the new building. The recently realized apartment...
- Year 2020
- Work finished in 2020
- Status Completed works
- Type Apartments / Furniture design