Casa Kala | Ren Ito

Oporto / Portugal / 2022

8 Love 747 Visits Published

This is a renovation project for accommodation in an old, detached house in the city center of Porto, Portugal.

The existing house was designed by Januário Godinho, a prominent Portuguese architect. However, as it had been left unused for almost 10 years, the roof and floor had fallen off, and it was an unlivable situation.

The building is almost rectangular, located in the center of the site, and has four floors including a basement and an attic. It is located on a higher level than the front street and is approached from the southwest using a ramp. Also along the north wall, there is a one-story building that once housed a garage and laundry.

The renovated building has an entrance hall, two guest rooms, a reception, a dining room, a kitchen, and a bathroom on the first floor, and five guest rooms on the second floor, with stairs leading to the attic. Each room has its own bathroom. The original design of the staircase hall was kept as much as possible, and the existing plastered ceiling and chandelier were renovated. As for other parts, the external appearance was kept as unchanged as possible, and the internal parts were refurbished to match the current safety and environmental performance.



Este projecto consistiu em renovar uma antiga moradia isolada no centro da cidade do Porto, Portugal, em alojamento local.

A casa existente foi projetada por Januário Godinho, um proeminente arquiteto português. No entanto, como ficou sem uso por quase 10 anos, o teto e o piso caíram, tornando-se as condições de habitabilidade inviáveis.

O edifício é quase retangular, localizado no centro do terreno, e tem quatro pisos, incluindo cave e sótão. Situa-se a um nível mais elevado do que a rua da frente e acede-se a sudoeste através de uma rampa. Ao longo da parede norte, existe um prédio de um andar que já abrigou uma garagem e lavandaria.

O edifício renovado tem um hall de entrada, dois quartos de hóspedes, uma recepção, uma sala de jantar, uma cozinha e uma casa de banho no primeiro andar, e cinco quartos no segundo andar, com escadas de acesso ao sótão. Cada quarto tem sua própria casa de banho. O projeto original do hall de escada foi mantido o máximo possível, e o teto rebocado e o candeeiro existentes foram renovados. Quanto às outras partes, o alçado exterior foi mantido o mais inalterado possível e as partes interiores foram reformadas para corresponder ao desempenho atual de segurança e meio ambiente.


Photographer: Ivo Tavares



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    This is a renovation project for accommodation in an old, detached house in the city center of Porto, Portugal. The existing house was designed by Januário Godinho, a prominent Portuguese architect. However, as it had been left unused for almost 10 years, the roof and floor had fallen off, and it was an unlivable situation. The building is almost rectangular, located in the center of the site, and has four floors including a basement and an attic. It is located on a higher level than...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design / Custom Furniture
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