Terrae San Lorenzo

Vittorio Veneto / Italy

1 Love 200 Visits Published

In the village of Serravalle, amidst the Prosecco hills, lies Terrae San Lorenzo: a vineyard, winery and ancient dwelling used as a comfortable bed & breakfast. It is from the skilful restoration of an old farmhouse dating back to the early 17th century that the agritourism farm stands, a place of the soul that takes us back to an ancient dimension, to a different rhythm.

The entire project is characterised by a strong love for the traditions of Veneto wine growers, which is manifested primarily in the choice of materials and evocative finishes. Doors and windows are made of thin iron profiles, which bring back the beauty of the past while providing guests with the most up-to-date comfort. The FerroFinestra system has also given life to a winter garden that extends from the façade, a trait d’union between human space and the greenery of the surrounding countryside.



Nel borgo di Serravalle, tra colline del Prosecco, si trova Terrae San Lorenzo: vigna, cantina, e antica dimora adibita a confortevole bed&breakfast. È proprio dal sapiente recupero di un antico casolare dei primi del 600 che sorge l’azienda agrituristica, un luogo dell’anima che riporta ad una dimensione antica, ad un ritmo diverso.

Tutto l’intervento è caratterizzato da un forte amore per le tradizioni dei viticoltori veneti, che si manifesta in primis nella scelta dei materiali e nelle finiture evocative. Porte e finestre sono realizzate con sottili profili in ferro, che riportano la bellezza di un tempo assicurando agli ospiti il confort più attuale. Il sistema FerroFinestra ha dato vita anche ad un giardino d’inverno che si sviluppa dalla facciata, trait d’union tra lo spazio umano e il verde della campagna circostante.


Architecture: Studio Metamorphosi104

System: Ferrofinestra W40 TB | Ferrofinestra W50 TB


Photography: Clara Galanti, Mauro Lovisetto

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    In the village of Serravalle, amidst the Prosecco hills, lies Terrae San Lorenzo: a vineyard, winery and ancient dwelling used as a comfortable bed & breakfast. It is from the skilful restoration of an old farmhouse dating back to the early 17th century that the agritourism farm stands, a place of the soul that takes us back to an ancient dimension, to a different rhythm. The entire project is characterised by a strong love for the traditions of Veneto wine growers, which is manifested...

    Project details
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Factories / Hotel/Resorts
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