Tiny Villa Vinkenveen | Tiny Villa

"Less is More" Aesthetics Vinkenveen / Netherlands / 2020

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We wanted to make it feel more homely than most of the tiny houses that we have seen. It's also really personal to me because it has been a family project. It's a state that has been in my family for more than 50 years, and that's my connection to this new or tiny house that we have made.

And it was a really old Caravan standing here and my grandfather is now in his 80s. My dad and I decided to create something new here. And it was really a passion thing. I've been working with my dad a little bit in the past as well, and we really enjoyed working together. We were really excited to actually design our own tiny house together.

It is a tiny house you come inside, but it doesn't really feel tiny. There is a lot of glass you have a really good connection to the space around the house, which makes it actually feel really spacious and really comfortable. We wanted to create two bedrooms because we really wanted to be able to enjoy it as a family but also give a little bit of privacy. We really wanted every bedroom to have its own vanity.

I really like this area over here because it's where you are so you're right next to a lake. We have a boat here. So yeah, it's always it's really easy after a busy day to just kind of be outside and go for a swim or something and just let everything go and just enjoy.

The first time we came here my grandparents were really emotional. They were completely overwhelmed by everything that we made and now that we finished it. I can see that they're here and they are working in the garden and sitting outside reading a newspaper in the sun. It made me feel really happy that day that we actually created something that they can enjoy.


Bowie Nijdam, Interior Designer, 2021

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    We wanted to make it feel more homely than most of the tiny houses that we have seen. It's also really personal to me because it has been a family project. It's a state that has been in my family for more than 50 years, and that's my connection to this new or tiny house that we have made. And it was a really old Caravan standing here and my grandfather is now in his 80s. My dad and I decided to create something new here. And it was really a passion thing. I've been working with my dad a little...

    Project details
    • Year 2020
    • Work started in 2020
    • Work finished in 2020
    • Main structure Wood
    • Client Bowie Nijdam
    • Contractor Fabrika Rauna
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Hotel/Resorts / Tourist Facilities / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Modular/Prefabricated housing
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