Galería Dos Hijas | CLACLÁ Taller de Arquitectura
Ensenada / Mexico / 2021
Dos Hijas Gallery is a project that pays homage to the vernacular architecture of arid areas around the world, seeking to reinterpret it in a contemporary way.
With a focus centered on a single compositional axis, the intervention is organized as a living machine, where the facilities become the backbone of a vertebral column that connects the house, gallery, and guest house through an elevated exterior corridor traversing the entire site. This external circulation allows for the enjoyment of the landscape and climate every time the user moves between spaces.
Located in the beautiful town of Ensenada, Baja California, this project emerges from the coastal scrub, a fragile ecosystem that is disappearing with great alarm in the region and whose importance is undervalued. To achieve a harmonious integration with the natural environment, the vegetation located in the footprints of the buildings was carefully transplanted to protect it during construction and relocate it in the impacted areas, thus generating a symbiosis between architecture and the surrounding nature.
The construction was carried out using a traditional system known as COB. This ancestral method combines three materials: straw, clay, and granite to mold the structure, emulating the molding process of a clay vessel. Every centimeter of this architectural piece required meticulous manual work, showcasing the careful intervention of its craftsmen.
This construction method does not require any secondary structure. The walls, set on a stone foundation, start at a thickness of 80 cm at their base, gradually reducing to 50 cm with a delicate inclination and finishing with an exterior slope that provides protection against the elements. They are crowned with a concrete belt that ties the entire structure together at the top. These sculptural elements emerge like an eruption from the earth, resembling natural formations sculpted by the elements: earth, water, and sun, with the indispensable help of the skilled hands of the workers aided by the building owners themselves.
This architectural project stands out for its complete independence from the common infrastructure of a city. The roofs capture rainwater and store it inside, electricity is generated through solar panels, and a passive system treats, filters, and reuses all water within the project in harmony with its surroundings.
Photography: Yoshihiro Koitani
Casa Uno es un proyecto que persigue la arquitectura del silencio, buscando ocultar la mayor parte de la edificación dentro de una topografía existente para lograr una mayor eficiencia energética y reducir su impacto visual. De esta manera, se logra una percepción menor de la densidad constructiva de la casa.
Al ingresar a la casa, se experimenta la sensación de adentrarse en una caverna, el refugio por excelencia de la humanidad en tiempos remotos. Esta reminiscencia nos brinda una fuerte sensación de protección dentro del proyecto.
La idea de enterrar el proyecto conlleva la consecuencia de dejar una herida en la tierra. Para poder cicatrizar esta herida, se hace necesario restaurar la vegetación nativa, la cual fue previamente trasplantada a un vivero. Por lo tanto, el manejo del agua se convierte en una parte fundamental del proyecto. Toda el agua consumida en la casa es reutilizada mediante un sistema pasivo integrado en el diseño del proyecto, lo cual permite que el riego sea viable y, con el tiempo, se logre restaurar la huella de la intervención.
El material principal utilizado es el concreto pigmentado, el cual genera un color que imita el tono de la tierra del lugar. Los muros se construyen mediante cimbras de madera, creando una textura tersa y brillante, con pliegues caprichosos que asemejan rocas de granito pulidas por el viento y el paso del tiempo. Este efecto se logra al incorporar plástico en el proceso de cimbrado para impermeabilizar. Al finalizar, ese mismo plástico se utiliza para aislar los muros de contención, mientras que las cimbras de madera se transforman en las carpinterías de la casa.
La arquitectura creada por CLACLÁ busca la honestidad en sus elementos y se preocupa por permitir que los materiales se expresen y cuenten historias pasadas. Se busca que tengan alma y muestren signos de uso anterior, cicatrices que los humanicen aún más. Se trata de una arquitectura artesanal que se preocupa por seleccionar cuidadosamente sus materiales, incluso si son de origen industrial, con el objetivo de minimizar su impacto contaminante durante su proceso de fabricación.
Dos Hijas Gallery is a project that pays homage to the vernacular architecture of arid areas around the world, seeking to reinterpret it in a contemporary way. With a focus centered on a single compositional axis, the intervention is organized as a living machine, where the facilities become the backbone of a vertebral column that connects the house, gallery, and guest house through an elevated exterior corridor traversing the entire site. This external circulation allows for the enjoyment of...
- Year 2021
- Work finished in 2021
- Status Completed works
- Type Art Galleries