Casa PS50 | langarita-navarro arquitectos

Single family house facing the Atlantic ocean Tarifa / Spain / 2022

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The lead character in this project is an extraordinary coastal landscape; thick, rugged, and impregnable, resisting the assaults of the Atlantic winds. We imagine the possibility of living under the cover of this greenery with the self-imposed objectives of being large and at the same time inconspicuous, while also invoking the unexpected behaviours of bodies and matters.

The roof takes on the shape of a large section of the terrain, elevated onto a concrete slab that supports the important weight of an intensive green roof, restoring the pre-existing vegetation. The zigzag pattern of the roof makes it possible to cover long spans and reduces its own weight, as well as conveying a sense of near-impossible lightness, almost like that of a fabric blowing in the wind.
A series of parallel walls organises the house plan, lightly touching the roof from below. Their placement allows the organisation of uses, as well as managing the changing easterly and westerly winds. By opening and closing the floor-to-ceiling glass panes as needed, it is possible to deploy a configuration to expose or defend the spaces from each of the prevailing winds, using them as if one were on a boat.
The main volume of the house is elevated, embedded into the terrain and overlooking the sea like the bow of a ship, leaning on a granite well carved into a prism. From here, a cascade of terraces and steps unfold outward, providing access to the swimming pool and the grounds. The access is located in a courtyard open to the sea where one goes up a generous helical staircase around a lush garden sheltered from the wind.
Its material character – using lime stucco walls, horizontal concrete surfaces, reflective steel, and dark window and door frames – makes the house difficult to see from the sea, as it sits hunkered down among the vegetation, mimicking the colours of the natural surroundings, the shrubbery, and chalky rock.
The main body of vegetation is a selection of native species with low water needs across the plot’s free spaces and over the rooftop, with the medium term aim of returning the image of the landscape prior to the construction to the area, as well as reducing the thermal load of the house by making the most of evapotranspiration.

Authors: Langarita-Navarro Arquitectos, Víctor Navarro, María Langarita.
Team: Antonio Antequera, Javier Estebala Alández, Fran Abellán Estevan, Pepe Susín.
Surveyor: José Ignacio Calderón Naval (Max Project).
Landscape: Ambienta.
Mechanics: Argenia Ingeniería y Arquitectura SL + BAC Engeneering.
Structure: Bernabéu Ingenieros.
Photos: Luis Díaz Díaz


El protagonista de este proyecto es un extraordinario paisaje de costa espeso, escarpado e inexpugnable, que resiste al azote del viento Atlántico. Nos imaginamos la posibilidad de vivir bajo este estrato vegetal con los objetivos autoimpuestos de ser grande y al mismo tiempo poco visible invocando, además, el comportamiento inesperado de los cuerpos y materias. 

La cubierta toma la forma de una gran sección de terreno elevada sobre una losa de hormigón que soporta la importante carga de una cubierta vegetal intensiva restituyendo la vegetación preexistente. La configuración en zigzag de la cubierta permite salvar grandes luces reduciendo su peso propio y transmite una sensación de ligereza imposible, casi como la de una tela perturbada por el viento.

Una batería de muros paralelos organiza la planta de vivienda tocando levemente la cubierta por debajo. Su disposición permite gestionar además de los usos, los vientos cambiantes de poniente y levante. Abriendo o cerrando los paños de vidrio según convenga es posible desplegar una configuración de exposición o defensa a cada uno de los vientos dominantes, haciendo uso de estos como si de un barco se tratara.

El volumen principal de la vivienda se eleva incrustándose en el terreno y se asoma al mar como una proa apoyada en el prisma tallado de la poza de granito. A partir de esta se despliegan una cascada de gradas y escaleras que permiten el acceso a la piscina y al terreno. El acceso se produce a través de un patio abierto al mar por el que se asciende una amplia escalera helicoidal alrededor de un frondoso jardín a resguardo del viento.

La materialidad a base de muros de cal, planos horizontales de hormigón, acero reflectante y carpinterías oscuras dificulta la visión de la casa desde el mar que agazapada entre la vegetación se mimetiza con los colores del entorno natural, los arbustos y la roca calcárea.

El cuerpo vegetal se reconstruye mediante la plantación especies autóctonas de bajo consumo hídrico en el espacio libre de parcela y en la cubierta de con la intención a medio plazo de devolver al paisaje la imagen de la parcela previa a la construcción y de reducir la carga térmica de la vivienda mediante la evapotranspiración del conjunto.

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    The lead character in this project is an extraordinary coastal landscape; thick, rugged, and impregnable, resisting the assaults of the Atlantic winds. We imagine the possibility of living under the cover of this greenery with the self-imposed objectives of being large and at the same time inconspicuous, while also invoking the unexpected behaviours of bodies and matters. The roof takes on the shape of a large section of the terrain, elevated onto a concrete slab that supports the important...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design
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