House 016 | Arquitecturia | Camps Felip

Caldes de Malavella / Spain / 2022

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The geometry of the House is based on six volumes arranged around a central courtyard. The size and proportion of each volume responds to its use.

These volumes are all connected through a kind of cloister from where the entrance is located and circulation gravitates around the courtyard. The House offers three ways to look at and relate to the outside: An intimate one into an inner courtyard through the ‘cloister’ space that connects all the rooms. A horizontal one with framed views to different pieces of garden, establishing a direct relation with the outside but at the same time preserves the intimacy. Finally, an open and wide view of the sky provided by the relation between the structure and the geometry of the roof and the load-bearing walls.

The central courtyard is slightly open on one of the sides to generate a continuity with the garden that allows a natural and energetic permeability between the house and the forest. Cross ventilation provides fresh air to indoor spaces.

The amount of material used is minimized with this type of structure, allowing to cover large lights up to 12m with a 9cm slab of laminated wood due to the geometry of the diagonal of the squares.

The sloping gabled roof collects water like a leaf through the use of green-glazed ceramic tiles, which reflect and blend in with the trees. Some of this water is used to irrigate the garden, designed according to the principle of saving water with plants that require little watering.


La geometría de la casa consiste en seis volúmenes dispuestos en torno a un patio central que acogen una parte de programa y su dimensión varía proporcionalmente al uso que albergan. Se conectan a través de un espacio de claustro que recoge la entrada y gravita en torno al patio.

Se contemplan tres maneras de mirar y relacionarse con el exterior: Una mirada hacia un patio interior a través de un espacio que relaciona todos los aposentos. Una mirada horizontal y acotada que enmarca diferentes fragmentos del jardín y que establece una relación directa con el exterior y las vistas pero a la vez íntima. Una mirada abierta y amplia hacia el cielo dada por la relación entre la estructura y la geometría de la cubierta y los muros portantes.

El patio central queda abierto para generar cierta continuidad con el jardín que permite una permeabilidad natural y energética entre la casa y el bosque del campo de golf.

Mediante la ventilación cruzada se proporciona aire fresco en los espacios interiores.

Se minimiza el material empleado con la propuesta de estructura que permite salvar grandes luces de hasta 12m con un forjado de 9cm de madera laminada gracias a la geometría de la diagonal de los cuadrados.

La cubierta inclinada a dos aguas invertidas recoge el agua como una hoja a través del uso del revestimiento de la cerámica vitrificada de tonos verdes, que refleja y se confunde con los árboles. Parte de esta agua sirve para regar el jardín que está diseñado según el principio de ahorro de agua con plantas que requieren poco riego.

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    The geometry of the House is based on six volumes arranged around a central courtyard. The size and proportion of each volume responds to its use. These volumes are all connected through a kind of cloister from where the entrance is located and circulation gravitates around the courtyard. The House offers three ways to look at and relate to the outside: An intimate one into an inner courtyard through the ‘cloister’ space that connects all the rooms. A horizontal one with framed...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design
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