A tenement house in Krakow | Aldona Kret

Krakow / Poland / 2017

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Harmonising the diverse development - this was the idea behind the design of the residential building squeezed into the existing frontage on Prądnicka Street in Krakow.

Currently on the plot in question is a disused patisserie, built in the post-war years. Originally it was a single-storey building. In subsequent years, a residential floor was added above the pavilion. This structure was unfortunately not suitable for further adaptation and superstructure. All that was left was a deep basement (formerly the back of the confectionery) and converted it into an underground car park.

To the right, our building is adjacent to an unpretentious 1950s building drowned in greenery. Following the example of our neighbour, we decided to create a green zone in front of the building, providing a buffer from the street for the residents and at the same time ordering the space. The height of the front elevation also refers to this building.

On the left, on the other hand, our neighbour is a distinctively shaped building in the style of the 1990s with a great deal of detailing and ornamentation. We did not want to make a strong reference to this neighbour. On the contrary, we decided to stand firmly apart in colour, so as not to compete with its expressiveness.

The planned building contains mainly two-room flats. Almost every flat has a balcony or terrace. The layouts of the flats are ergonomic and capable of being subdivided into smaller flats or combined with neighbouring flats.
The flats are high and have large windows, which allows much more light into the flats than the building regulations stipulate and the white stiles reflect the daylight inside.
Residents also have access to an internal green area behind the building.
An additional advantage for potential investors is the excellent location - Prądnicka Street in Krakow.

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    Harmonising the diverse development - this was the idea behind the design of the residential building squeezed into the existing frontage on Prądnicka Street in Krakow. Currently on the plot in question is a disused patisserie, built in the post-war years. Originally it was a single-storey building. In subsequent years, a residential floor was added above the pavilion. This structure was unfortunately not suitable for further adaptation and superstructure. All that was left was a deep basement...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments
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