Unnamed House | HW STUDIO Arquitectos

Casa sin nombre Morelia / Mexico / 2023

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The story of this project begins with a robbery. Paola and Jorge went out to the movies one afternoon; while they were out, a group of well-trained thieves crossed the rooftops of the neighboring houses to finally get into their home and steal everything considered valuable. Paola and Jorge had a feeling of insecurity, fear, and helplessness; however, this unpleasant experience motivated them to build their new home.

Our designing process includes three variables that we try to deeply understand and from which all elements emerge. The place: in this case, the house had to be located very closely to Morelia’s aqueduct, an architectural jewel that supplied water to the city in the XVI century. The client: during the design, we discovered that they were quite devoted to the Catholic religion; we were surprised to see many images of saints, figures of Christ, and baroque furniture all around their current home. However, they were now looking for a more essentialist architecture with a precise control of light to actually decorate the space with it. The last variable is our inner self, for which we employed Vipassana as an observation technique. 

Above all, we aimed at understanding Paola and Jorge’s spiritual search and their religious devotion. We proposed to reshape the roofs to evoke those barrel vaults seen in Mexican catholic temples, thus disengaging the home from such type of decoration but not from its spirit. An introspective architecture was necessary due to the incident that gave rise to this project. It had to be sealed away from the outside, without windows or openings, and it had to resolve the illumination of the house through patios. This would not only reinforce a temple-like atmosphere of a sacred space but would also allow us to continue understanding emptiness-substance relationships in architectural projects.


Architecture Firm: HW STUDIO
Lead Architects: Rogelio Vallejo Bores

Other participants

Architects: Oscar Didier Ascencio Castro and Nik Zaret Cervantes Ordaz

Photography: Cesar Bejar - www.cesarbejarstudio.com




La historia de este proyecto comienza con un robo. Paola y Jorge salieron una tarde al cine; mientras estaban fuera, un grupo de ladrones bien entrenados cruzó por las azoteas de las casas aledañas para finalmente meterse en su casa y robar todo lo que consideraron valioso. Eso dejo a Paola y a Jorge con una sensación de inseguridad, temor, y desamparo; sin embargo, esta desagradable experiencia les motivó a construir su nuevo hogar. 

Nuestro proceso de diseño incluye tres variables que procuramos entender a profundidad y de las que “emergen” todas las piezas. El lugar: en este caso, la casa se ubicaría muy cerca del acueducto de Morelia, una joya arquitectónica que abastecía de agua a la ciudad en el siglo XVI. El cliente: durante la etapa del diseño, descubrimos que eran bastante devotos de la religión católica; nos sorprendió ver muchas imágenes de santos, figuras de Cristo y muebles barrocos por toda su casa. Sin embargo, ahora buscaban una arquitectura más esencialista con un control preciso de la luz para decorar el espacio con ella. La última variable somos nosotros mismos y nuestro interior, para lo que empleamos Vipassana como técnica de observación.

Ante todo, pretendíamos entender la búsqueda espiritual de Paola y Jorge y su devoción religiosa. Propusimos remodelar las cubiertas para evocar esas bóvedas de cañón corrido que se ven en los templos católicos mexicanos, desprendiendo a la casa de ese tipo de decoración, pero no de su espíritu. Era necesaria una arquitectura introspectiva debido al incidente que dio origen a este proyecto. Debía ser hermética al exterior, sin ventanas ni vanos, y resolver la iluminación a través de patios. Esto no sólo reforzaría la atmósfera de templo, de espacio sacro, sino que nos permitiría seguir investigando las consecuencias de la relación entre vacío y materia en un proyecto arquitectónico.


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    The story of this project begins with a robbery. Paola and Jorge went out to the movies one afternoon; while they were out, a group of well-trained thieves crossed the rooftops of the neighboring houses to finally get into their home and steal everything considered valuable. Paola and Jorge had a feeling of insecurity, fear, and helplessness; however, this unpleasant experience motivated them to build their new home. Our designing process includes three variables that we try to deeply...

    Project details
    • Year 2023
    • Work finished in 2023
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design
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