Red is Bold
Cologne / Germany / 2022
Red is Bold is the concept with which Milani has chosen to present itself at the 2022 edition of ORGATEC – New vision of work. In this first presence, entrusted to the creative direction of Margherita Rui - Dogtrot studio, the bold setting visually plays on the impact of an unprecedented red-pink two-tone. If on the one hand the red expresses with a courageous air the history of Milani (long and young at the same time) and the consolidated identity of the brand after years of evolution, the gentleness of pink indicates the particular approach of the company to the world of furniture, made up of care, family - and feminine - memories, manufacturing skills, attention to service and accessible quality. Bold shapes that convey bold content. All the products exhibited at the fair, including the new products, have been presented in an original version in SEAQUAL® YARN red fabric, a polyester fiber composed of 10% of plastic recovered from the oceans and 90% of post- consumer plastic from sources. terrestrial. The exhibition space of 130 square meters was also created by limiting the ephemeral elements as much as possible and by designing modules covered in ecological fabric, which can be reused at the end of the event.
Creative direction: Margherita Rui
Art direction + Exhibition design:
Photography: Lorenzo Vasi
Vibrante, ottimista, audace nelle forme e nei contenuti, in una parola: bold. Red is Bold è il concept con cui Milani ha scelto di presentarsi all’edizione di ORGATEC 2022 – New vision of work. In questa prima presenza, affidata alla direzione creativa di Margherita Rui - Dogtrot studio, l’allestimento bold gioca visivamente sull’impatto di un’inedita bicromia rossorosa. Se da un lato il rosso esprime con piglio coraggioso la storia di Milani (lunga e giovane allo stesso tempo) e la consolidata identità del brand dopo anni di evoluzione, la gentilezza del rosa indica il particolare approccio dell’azienda al mondo dell’arredo, fatto di cura, memorie familiari – e femminili –, capacità manifatturiera, attenzione al servizio e a una qualità accessibile. Forme audaci che veicolano contenuti audaci. Tutti i prodotti esposti in fiera, incluse le novità, sono stati presentati in una originale versione in tessuto rosso SEAQUAL® YARN, fibra di poliestere composta per il 10% di plastica recuperata degli oceani e per il 90% da plastica post-consumo proveniente da fonti terrestri. Anche lo spazio espositivo di 130 metri quadrati è stato realizzato limitando il più possibile gli elementi effimeri e progettando moduli rivestiti in tessuto ecologico, riutilizzabili al temine dell’evento.
Red is Bold is the concept with which Milani has chosen to present itself at the 2022 edition of ORGATEC – New vision of work. In this first presence, entrusted to the creative direction of Margherita Rui - Dogtrot studio, the bold setting visually plays on the impact of an unprecedented red-pink two-tone. If on the one hand the red expresses with a courageous air the history of Milani (long and young at the same time) and the consolidated identity of the brand after years of evolution,...
- Year 2022
- Work finished in 2022
- Client Milani
- Status Completed works
- Type Exhibition Design / Interior Design